Home » today » News » Camilla Canepa, the 18-year-old who died of thrombosis after the AstraZeneca vaccine, will donate organs

Camilla Canepa, the 18-year-old who died of thrombosis after the AstraZeneca vaccine, will donate organs

After struggling to the last against a thrombosis, here is the last gesture of love by Camilla Canepa, the 18-year-old from Sestri Levante died in hospital in Genoa after a cavernous sinus thrombosis with cerebral hemorrhage and who had vaccinated herself with AstraZeneca on May 25th in an open day for the “over 18”. The girl’s parents gave the go-ahead for the removal of organs and so now Camilla, who had undergone two surgeries, one to remove the thrombus and one to reduce blood pressure, will help five people to live, who will benefit from the its organs.

This was also confirmed by Policlinico San Martino di Genova, which communicated “that the observation period for the 18-year-old patient admitted to the intensive care unit has ended – reads a note -. The Management and all the staff of the Polyclinic gather around family members, whom we have been able to appreciate in these sad days for the humanity and the openness to our professionals. “Sorrowful also the mayor of the town Valentina Ghio, who writes on Facebook : “The municipal administration and the whole city gather around the family of the girl who disappeared today. In this moment of pain I express all my affection and my closeness to Camilla’s family. We have decided to cancel all the scheduled Andersen Festival appointments for today. Rest in peace Camilla “, concluded the mayor.

“Great pain for the disappearance of Camilla, the 18-year-old who died at the San Martino hospital in Genoa from thrombosis. The whole of Liguria gathers around the girl’s family and friends, the city of Sestri Levante where she lived and her parents who with great generosity have consented to the donation of organs, which will save another 5 lives “. The president of Liguria Giovani Toti writes it on Fb. Toti and the entire regional council express “deep condolences and heartfelt condolences go out to his loved ones”.

Camilla had been vaccinated with AstraZeneca on 25 May during the open day for the over 18. On 3 June the first symptoms: headache and photophobia, but after going to the emergency room, brain scan and neurological examination were both negative. Two days after the discharge, the appearance of motor deficits in one part of the body: this time the CT scan shows the bleeding. Then the ordeal until death.

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