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Cameroon News :: The Economics and Management Doctoral Incubator is getting ready :: Cameroon news

This second edition of the Doctoral incubator project in Economics and Management Sciences (PépiDoc SEGes) will be held from December 5 to 6, 2023 in Yaoundé.

It will be held under the theme: “societal and institutional exploitation of scientific productions in Africa: challenges and prospects for sustainable economic development”

Overall vision of the project

This concept set up by the scientific and university cooperation of the French Embassy in Cameroon aims to create a favorable environment so that innovative projects in the field of research training in the countries of Central Africa find an echo and can realize.

It should be noted that the first initiative was called “Doctoriales Interuniversitaires” placed under the High Patronage of Pr Jacques Fame Ndongo Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education with the support of partners which targeted the best doctoral students from 8 public universities. of Cameroon (2019/2020).

The context of this project of pooling young researchers from CEMAC universities, for this second edition or 4th project remains mainly linked to the three levels of isolation, namely: technical, material and financial to be more concrete, it is the weak access to scientific documentation and to intercultural diversity, the weakness of local research funding for governments associated with poor access to existing and effective international opportunities: these realities are at the center of the concerns that the academic communities of CEMAC regularly express. .
The question of the promotion of local or endogenous scientific knowledge long defended by many African intellectuals from all scientific backgrounds is the lemotiv of this second edition of the doctoral incubator in economics and management for CEMAC; hence the theme of this edition, which is a continuation of the theme of the previous edition.

The project of this edition has the particularity of highlighting the relationship between science, knowledge and actions: with the aim of producing new knowledge and new scientific tools, adapting to various professional contexts, working in teams and in networks. etc.
Therefore, this project aims to contribute to a better promotion of young African researchers, mainly those from CEMAC in Economics and Management through the so-called strategy of institutional support for competitive research (AIRC).

In the end, it should be noted that the main objective of this project is to pool young CEMAC researchers in Economics and Management Sciences by offering them a framework conducive to scientific expression for their research work, to harmonize methodologies, support and supervise their research on relevant topics.

More specifically, the PépiDoc SEGes CEMAC project

According to the president of the organizing committee, pr. Bertin Léopold KOUAYEP met on August 23 in Yaoundé “for this second edition 30 projects are expected in total: 15 projects for Cameroon and 15 for the sub-region the expectations at the end of this edition would be that the projects respond to the societal impact on the economies in the CEMAC region, the 4 best projects will obtain a mobility grant for the laboratories of French universities; said 6-month scholarship is fully supported by French cooperation”.
On December 5 and 6, he specifies, “the selected Candidates will present their projects to 2 juries: in Management and Economist made up (of Deans and Laboratory Directors) from French professors and CEMAC”.

State of preparations

To date, the promoter of the project, Prof. Bertin Léopold KOUAYEP “has already received the agreement of CEMAC for the High Patronage of this edition, financed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Europe, he also underlines that the call for submissions is fixed until September 20 next( www.pepidocseges.org)”, nevertheless the organizing committee has registered around a hundred applications to date.
Regarding the location of the event in Yaoundé, agreements are being negotiated with the convention center, the communication component has already taken off with radio interviews, television, online press for inform the public about the holding of this second edition. In addition to the CEMAC agreements, the French Embassy in Cameroon, the Ministry of Higher Education of Cameroon has also given its agreement in principle for the holding of this major meeting.

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