Cameroon :: The Eastern Region Now Swept By 30 Mw From Lom Pangar :: Cameroon
Electricity is now sweeping the entire eastern region after the injection of 30 MW from the Lom Pangar foot plant. Since the start of the year, more than 150 villages have been connected to the 105 kilometer electricity line built by the French group Cegelec.
This revelation is from the EDC manager cited by Cameroun Tribune who specifies that the OM Pangar foot plant is permanently connected to the Eastern network. “It has become the main source of electricity supply in the Eastern region,” confides this manager.
The Eastern region was until now the most harmed by the electrician Eneo, it represented 2% of its market. Powered by six thermal power stations which ran on fuel, it was necessary to release 3 billion every month for their operations.
Unfortunately for the region, the scarcity of financial resources left the region plunged into power cuts which sometimes lasted a month.
The commissioning of the Lom Pangar production dam is the door open to agroindustry in this region which is breaking the record for post-harvest losses, sometimes estimated at 35%.