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Cameroon News :: Serge Espoir Matomba 90 Minutes To Arouse Hope Among Cameroonians :: Cameroon News

Serge Espoir Matomba 90 Minutes To Arouse Hope Among Cameroonians :: Cameroon

Serge Espoir Matomba, guest on the show “90 minutes to convince”, once again demonstrated his talent for eloquence, in accordance with his reputation. The program “90 minutes to convince” offers a valuable platform for political figures to present their ideas, their projects and to convince viewers of their vision for Cameroon. Serge Matomba was able, as usual, to capture the attention of the audience and gain their trust thanks to his impressive oratorical skills. A promising political figure, he distinguished himself by his dazzling breakthrough in the political landscape during the 2018 election.

Since the advent of the multiparty system in Cameroon, he remains the only politician to have brought a personal touch to the presidential campaign of an election. His approach, inspired by American-style campaigns, nevertheless aroused certain misunderstandings among his fellow citizens, because he had deployed an innovative campaign, marked by a sharp managerial approach, American-style staging, the use of the internet and the use of more or less impactful speeches. This approach visibly left its mark and helped to distinguish him in a political landscape that remained traditional. It is true that in certain Western countries, a political campaign with an American approach, highlighting the personal wealth of the candidate, can be better understood or even accepted to a certain extent if we know that the candidate is a hard worker like Serge Espoir.

But each country has its own norms, its own cultural values ​​and its expectations of its political leaders. This is the case of Cameroonians marked by the massive presence of toothless people who do not approve of anyone who displays their assets in a campaign. During this broadcast on December 12, the politician did not fail to castigate the Cameroonian state which cannot predict. “to govern is to plan”, he denounces the mafia at the top of the state, where people are only there to collect. Speaking of teachers, he was virulent. “We are a president because we had teachers, we have doctors because we had teachers, it’s wickedness,” he concludes.

Politics is complex and requires a deep understanding of local realities and citizen concerns. It is essential for politicians to adapt to the culture and values ​​of their country, while being open to innovation and improvement in their approach. This can be a delicate balance to strike, but it is often the key to long-term political success. Serge’s approach reflects deeply on the evolution of the political landscape in Cameroon. Serge Espoir Matomba showed that he was ready to innovate and push the boundaries to make his voice heard and promote his ideas. This success testifies to his charisma and his ability to communicate effectively.

However, it is essential to remember that conviction is not limited to words, but also extends to the ability to implement policies and concrete actions that benefit the people. A politician’s success is often measured by his or her ability to bring about positive change for the country and its citizens. We hope that Serge Matomba will continue to work with dedication for the well-being of his country and that he will be able to convince by his actions as much as by his words. For my part, I find it important to follow the evolution of this promising political figure, because she could help shape the political future of Cameroon and inspire new approaches in the field of political management. Serge has traveled the country, he has touched the realities, he is currently refining strategies. Will he one day be the Hope of Cameroonians?

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