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The Association of Princes and Notables of the Chiefdoms of Cameroon (GCPN-CAM) calls on the Cameroonian government to abandon the project consisting of levying tax on the meager pensions of poor old retirees. These already insignificant pensions which only help retirees to buy medicines and pay a few other bills with difficulty. It would be inhumane to starve the hungry and believe that they will remain unwavering supporters of those who starved them.

Read the correspondence below:

Ebolowa, September 9, 2023

Open Letter/Open Letter

A Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute,
Prime Minister, Head of Government

Subject: Opposition to the taxation of retirees’ pensions

Mr Prime Minister,

We have the honor to request from your high kindness, prompt social action in favor of retirees, most of whom are members of our association.

Indeed, on September 8, 2023, we received information relating to the holding of a consultation in the meeting room of the board of directors of the national social security fund, relating to pension tax retirees and other social benefits.

Our association is categorically opposed to the levy of the said tax on the meager pensions of retirees, in application of the provisions of article 5 of our statutes.

This tax plan is inhumane and directly attacks the purchasing power of these poor old people, which could cause disruption to social peace, yet these old people appreciate your work at the head of the government and remain unwavering supporters of the policy of the great achievements embodied by his Excellency Paul Biya, President of the Republic. In these difficult times, these old men believed they expected an improvement in their living conditions.

We ask you to use all possibilities to put an end to this project which harms people from a vulnerable social class.

In the hope that you will respond favorably to our concern, please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the expression of our deep respect.

Prince Jean Pierre Ekoman
Executive President of GCPN-CAM
Tel: +237 6 74 09 01 17

(Illustrative photo: Prince Jean Pierre Ekoman and Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute)

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