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Cameroon News :: Fenassco Games 2023 League A: Camtel on the podium. :: Cameroon news

It’s a real celebration of sport that can be seen today in the beautiful region of the North. Camtel is the major partner of the Fenassco League A Games which takes place in Garoua-Gaschiga, from July 29 to August 05, 2023. Note that Fenassco is the National Federation of School Sports.

Once again, the national flagship of telecommunications accompanies the event in its 23rd edition. An exceptional occasion where the products of the Blue brand are more popularized with a large public wanting to consume 100% local offers.

Camtel provides organizers and participants with a very high speed internet connection as well as an armada of gadgets. Polo shirts, t-shirts, caps, umbrellas, the list is endless, like the length of the Benoué river!

Strong commitments made by the most authoritative voice in the company. On July 11, the Director General, Mrs. Judith Yah Sunday, wife Achidi, had fruitful discussions with the Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Pauline Nalova Lyonga.

In order to encourage the spearhead of the Cameroonian Nation, so dear to President Paul Biya, Camtel through its Blue umbrella brand also undertakes to award special prizes to the winners. This is only the logical continuation of the beautiful laurels already garnered in 2022 for the Mvomeka’a edition.

This year’s theme is “School sport to promote the culture of resilience, patriotism and living together”.
The Fenassco League A Games bring together young Cameroonians of both sexes, from the ten regions. It is around four collective disciplines (football, handball, volleyball and basketball) but also individual ones such as athletics. In Garoua-Gashiga, it’s the starting signal with the obvious: One point is Blue!

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