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CAMEROON News :: Concerns about the health of Paul Biya: discomfort in Switzerland, surgical intervention? :: CAMEROON News

CAMEROON :: Concerns about the health of Paul Biya: discomfort in Switzerland, surgical intervention? :: CAMEROON

of the conflicting information circulating regarding the state of health of Cameroonian President Paul Biya, 91, while he was about to go to New York for the UN General Assembly. According to sources close to power, the world’s oldest head of state suffered a serious illness in Switzerland, linked to prostate problems.

It seems that the entourage of President Biya, in power for 42 years, is maintaining his official silence about the situation, fueling speculation and concern. This lack of official communication has led to the dissemination of different information through different channels, including members of the president’s family and government officials.

There are two main versions currently in circulation:

1. According to a first source, his personal doctor was in Switzerland working on President Biya, where he was first.

2. Another source claims that the Cameroonian head of state would be urgently transferred from Geneva to a French clinic, where the location is kept secret, to undergo his surgical intervention.

This situation raises many questions about the continuity of powerr in Cameroon and the ability of the president to fulfill his tasks. Paul Biya’s absence at the UN General Assembly, a key diplomatic meeting, could have a major impact on Cameroon’s representation on the international scene.

The lack of transparency surrounding the state of the president’s health is reminiscent of similar situations in other African countries, where the health of leaders is often treated as a taboo subject. This instability encourages rumors and could destabilize the country’s political situation.

Paul Biya’s political longevity, in power since 1982, makes him a key figure in Cameroonian political life. A long absence or a serious deterioration in his state of health could have a major impact on the stability of the country.

Political observers question methods continuity in his place in Cameroon in case the president is unable to rule. The Cameroonian constitution provides that the President of the Senate shall act as interim president in the event of a vacancy in power, but the implementation of this provision has never been confirmed under the -current system.

This situation also highlights the challenges of political gerontocracy in some African countries, where older leaders remain in power despite growing concerns about their health and capacity. manage effectively.

At the international level, the uncertainty about the state of health of Paul Biya could affect Cameroon’s diplomatic relations, especially in the context of ongoing conflicts in the English-speaking regions of the country and the fight against terrorism in the ‘Far North’ region.

Cameroon’s international partners, including France, the United States and multilateral institutions such as the UN, are closely monitoring developments. Lack of clear information could make ongoing diplomatic efforts and cooperation programs more difficult.

In conclusion, the instability surrounding the state of health of President Paul Biya raises legitimate concerns about the governance of Cameroon. The need for transparent communication and adequate preparation for a possible transition is increasingly urgent, as the country is faced with several internal and external challenges.

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