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Cameraman: ‘Alec Baldwin handled the weapon with care’ | show

Alec Baldwin went on the set of the movie Rust very careful with the weapon with which he nevertheless accidentally shot a deadly shot has released. This is evident from the testimony of cameraman Russel Reid, who was present at the incident. Other Baldwin colleagues also share their stories.

The incident happened during filming for the film Rust, a western in which 63-year-old Baldwin stars as an actor and of which he is also a co-producer. It should have been shot with blanks, but the weapon also turned out to contain a real bullet. That hit camerawoman Halyna Hutchins, she died of her injuries.

Baldwin’s colleagues who were on set have since testified to the detectives leading the investigation. For example, it appears from a statement from cameraman Russel Reid that there has been unrest on the film set all day. There would have been disagreements over payments and several people would have left the set.

Reid was busy moving a camera and says he wasn’t sure if the weapon was loaded before handing it over to Baldwin. He does state that Baldwin was “very careful” with the weapon. The actor is even said to have cited a previous event in which he made sure that no children were present near a firearm.

Also 42-year-old director Joel Souza, who stood behind Hutchins and was injured but was allowed to leave the hospital fairly quickly, was not sure whether the weapon was loaded. He focused on what the scene would look like on camera. Souza does remember that someone shouted that the weapon was ‘cold’, or unloaded. The sound of the fired shot went through marrow and bone: according to the director it sounded like a loud bang.

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