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Cambur and Cambures – Analitica.com

In Venezuela we call “cambur” the fruit that around the world is known as “banana” or “banana”. It is a fruit that belongs to the Musaceae species and is said to have originated in South Asia, and has been known in the Mediterranean since AD ​​650. The species arrived in the Canary Islands in the 15th century and from there was brought to America in the year 1516. In the Canary Islands, the Guanche Indians called it “cambur”, the name by which it is known in Venezuela.

Our country, throughout its history, has had good banana production, even having export companies in the Trujillo state. Unfortunately, for more than twenty years, production has decreased alarmingly and is not enough to cover domestic demand.

I usually have a banana for breakfast, but this morning, when I peeled it, I noticed that there was a sticker on the shell that said “Product of Honduras.”

That made me think that, to cover the demand, we are importing from a Central American banana republic. Without maliciously referring to the Central American republics, which have changed a lot, I remember that the pejorative expression “banana republic” is used to describe a country that is considered politically unstable, impoverished, backward and corrupt, whose economy depends on a few low value-added products (symbolized by bananas), ruled by a fraudulently legitimized dictator or military junta, subjected to the hegemony of a foreign company, either through bribery of rulers or through the exercise of financial power. I clarify that not all of these countries are governed by an “illegitimately legitimated dictator, as is the case of Nicaragua, nor by a legitimately elected president, but totalitarian in his performance, as in El Salvador.

Leaving the meaning of “cambur” as a fruit, I am now referring to another, and that is that he is given a position in the public and private sector in Venezuela. This is how it is said that so-and-so got a good job in the ministry. A camburero is known not only as a person who sells, but also as a person who strives to obtain and/or keep a position. In Venezuela, there are plenty of cambureros related to the government, but there are also those in the opposition.

2023-04-30 04:10:00

#Cambur #Cambures #Analitica.com

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