Home » today » News » Cambodian scams specifically target Taiwanese… 3 times the price! The ransom of 1.49 million cannot be saved | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Cambodian scams specifically target Taiwanese… 3 times the price! The ransom of 1.49 million cannot be saved | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Life Center / Comprehensive Report

▲Frequent fraud cases in Cambodia, the Aviation Police and the Criminal Bureau perform caring duties. (Picture / Flip screen)

Recently, there have been frequent cases of fraudulent work in Cambodia. Many young Taiwanese believe in high-paying rhetoric, but they fly to Cambodia and are used as “meat tickets”, which has aroused the attention of the Chinese people. “If the child really encounters fraud in Cambodia, how much will the parents in Taiwan pay to redeem it?” In this regard, SAMMY, a member of the “Global Anti-Fraud Organization” (GASO), revealed the reality and pointed out why the Cambodian fraud group It turns out that the price of Taiwanese is three times as high as that of other countries.

The aviation police held up a placard to persuade them to turn back and stop being deceived to work in Cambodia.  (Photo/provided by the Aviation Police)

▲The aviation police raised a placard to persuade them to turn back and stop being deceived to work in Cambodia. (Photo/provided by the Aviation Police)

In the program “News Digging Wow”, SAMMY revealed that in the past, if it was not difficult to redeem people from fraudulent groups, “they didn’t understand the market at that time” and basically paid for air tickets, accommodation, food, and an additional two. The ransom can be redeemed for about a few thousand dollars. However, nowadays, the fraudulent syndicate has already eaten the essence and has a growing appetite. Many Taiwanese parents pay so much to save people that Taiwanese are now paying “more than three times that of Chinese or Malaysians.” .

Now there are many fraudulent groups that say they know underworld elder brothers, gangs, Taiwanese businessmen, etc., and are willing to ask them to act as intermediaries to help deal with it. At first, these people will indeed help to redeem people after receiving money, but the intermediaries gradually break their promises, often After redemption, they “re-sell it, so you may not get it back.” Even many intermediaries died without proof after taking the money.

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