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Calzada de Calatrava will host the play “Lady Violet” by Carpe Diem

Under a strict protocol and complying with all sanitary measures, as usual, the play “Lady Violet (or El Nacimiento De La Muerte)”, by the Carpe Diem Teatro company (Tomelloso), arrives at the Centro Cultural “Rafael Serrano ”of Calzada de Calatrava, next Friday, May 7, at 8:00 p.m. The show will last 110 minutes, admission is free with prior reservation of the location on the Popular University telephone number, 639 330 578 and at the “Cervantes” Municipal Library, 657 737 630. It is a tragedy, on a very rugged subject such as the use of children by adults. It is a strong, committed and emotionally charged work.

The Calzadeño Councilor for Culture, José Antonio Valencia Camacho, affirms that “culture is safe, as has been demonstrated in each of the activities that are being programmed to date”; and next Friday, “we are offered a new opportunity to enjoy and enhance the world of theater and in this case in its amateur version.” In addition, Valencia Camacho, once again thanks the Provincial Council for its commitment “to what is ours, to the culture of and from our land”, with this Provincial Theater Show, which is now in its XXX Edition. “In the times that we are going through, we must also support the sector and its professionals, because however many people depend on it and it is also an engine of wealth not only for the soul but also economically. And also to bet on a safe culture, with all the necessary sanitary measures to guarantee the tranquility of the public in general, and Calzadeño in particular ”, adds the mayor.

It should be said that Carpe Diem, originally from Tomelloso, is an Amateur theater group in which its components are dedicated to the most varied trades: pharmacists, local police, teachers, nurses, retirees, administrative, commercial, bank employees … And they are all united by a great passion: THE THEATER.

Safe cultural activities

In Calzada de Calatrava, culture does not stop despite the pandemic, on the occasion of the celebration of International Book Day, the Calzadeño city council, coordinated by the Department of Culture, scheduled a collective online reading of Don Quixote, which, with a total of 321, has broken record of readers without exposing itself to any health risk. And also in the month of April, and in the Parish of “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”, the Easter concert took place, by the “Duo Belcorde” with “The music of the soul”, and framed within the programming of “Culture Returns, Really Safe City, Spring 2021” that the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real in conjunction with the municipalities of the province have launched.

In addition, and under rigorous security measures, last Sunday, May 2, the face-to-face reading of “Calzada a cal y canto. We forgot about spring »,“ a wonderful book that brings together the most sincere and profound feelings of more than one hundred and fifty Calzadeñas and Calzadeños during last year’s confinement, caused by COVID-19. And that we will hardly live more intense and emotional moments than those we have shared today, emotionality, sensitivity, tenderness, sadness, anger … all of them sentiments recited from the soul … “, as defined by the Calzadeño mayor of culture , José Antonio Valencia Camacho, at the end of the event.

For next Saturday, May 22, at 7:00 p.m., the celebration of the XII Oretania Meeting of Poets ‘Words to the field’ and the presentation of the book of the same title, in the Patio Convento de San Francisco, coordinated by the solar poet Luis Díaz-Cacho, prefaced by the Calzadeño writer and poet, Pedro Antonio González Moreno, and also includes the photographs that Ventura Huertas contributes to the collection of poems.

The poets who plan to participate in the Calzada de Calatrava meeting are: Alfredo Jesús Sánchez Rodríguez, Charo Bernal Celestino, Elisabeth Porrero Vozmediano, Eloísa Pardo Castro, Eugenio Arce, Eusebio Loro, Juan José Guardia Polaino, Juana Pinés, Luis Díaz -Cacho Campillo, Luis Romero de Ávila Prieto, María del Carmen Matute Rodero, María José Redondo Sánchez-Migallón, Natividad Cepeda Serrano, Nieves Fernández, Pilar Serrano de Menchén, Presentation Pérez González and Teresa Sánchez Laguna. While the music will be provided by the local quintet CRquintet.