Christophe Blanchet, MoDem deputy for the fourth district of Calvados (Côte Fleurie, Pays d’Auge), alerted the Prime Minister, in a letter sent the day after the latest announcements on the health crisis, about “The dramatic situation of the casinos” .
“Many sectors remain closed and, despite the major stake represented by casinos on the national territory, vectors of attractiveness and tourism, creators of employment and entertainment, these companies still do not have clear prospects of reopening ” , regrets the chosen one, also mobilized for nightclubs.
Or, “Professionals in the casino sector are able to put implementation of drastic health protocols and therefore be able to devote 8 m2 for each person as required by the new standard. They are ready to open under good conditions and to guarantee the safety of their customers ” , adds Christophe Blanchet, believing that « l to allow them to open on December 15 would be a breath of fresh air which would ensure them to stay afloat ” .
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