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Calls for sexist violence increased by 40% during the confinement in the province of A Coruña | Radio Coruña

Calls to 016, the number to call in case of gender violence, increased its records by 40% coinciding with the period of confinement, seven points more than the national average, as reported this morning by the Subdelegation of the Government. These are data from the first months of 2020 and reflect only what happened in the province of A Coruña. This morning the Provincial Commission on Gender Violence to share this year’s data and take stock of 2019.

Last year they were produced in the province of A Coruña 2,788 complaints for gender violence, the 42% of the total registered in Galicia. In the first half of the year they are already 644. Throughout 2019, nearly twenty more restraining orders were issued than in the previous year, 782 total. Pilar López Rioboo, Subdelegate of the Government in A Coruña, affirms that during the confinement the service with remote psychological attention was extended: “From the calls to the new instruments that were placed from the Ministry of Equality, as was the 016 hooked on whatsapp and emails in which the victims were also offered, apart from counseling, psychological help “.

The telephone, essential during the pandemic

Telephone contact has been essential during the pandemic. The government founded a whatsapp service with the number 682 916 136 and 682 50 85 07, in addition to the existing one 016 that, we remember, does not appear on the telephone bill but it does have to be deleted from the call list on our mobile.

In the balance made this morning by the Commission, the creation of local coordination tables has also been present, which total 35 municipalities, among them Culleredo and A coruña. In addition, the municipalities of Arteixo, Potters and Cambre has its local police included and fully in the system Viogenic, monitoring and control of cases of gender violence.

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