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Calling on Psychologists: Urgent Need for Psychological Aid in Earthquake-Stricken Areas

“We are calling on psychologists”

ADEP, an educational sponsorship development association, whose headquarters is in Vandoeuvre, is launching an appeal through its president Rahim Faïq: “We need psychologists, because there are few of them there. » However, continues the former deputy mayor of Vandoeuvre, the population hit by the earthquake needs humanitarian aid of course but also listening, to free themselves through words from the tragedy they have just experienced.

As soon as the news of the earthquake broke, ADEP, which regularly organizes medical and surgical caravans across Morocco, dispatched its Moroccan emergency workers to the field to draw up a list of essential aid to be provided.

“It’s terrible, entire villages are wiped out, access impossible for the moment. Residents began to bury their dead. » ADEP is already organizing a collection of medicines and equipment for healthcare workers: gloves, sterile gowns, etc.

All people who wish to help the association, as well as volunteer psychologists, can contact Rahim Faïq on 06 95 22 49 40.

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