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Call the security guard’s house and use a stick… This is the third atrocities in the 60s

Police material photo. yunhap news

– A resident in his 60s who was attacked by a security guard who was working in an apartment complex in Nowon-gu, Seoul, was arrested by the police. This resident was investigated by the police for assaulting a security guard several times in the past, but it was investigated that he was exempt from punishment by the security guard.

The Seoul Nowon Police Department announced on the 21st that it is investigating a man in his 60s for assaulting a security guard with a wooden stick (special assault).

Mr. A is accused of assaulting a guard by calling a security guard B into his house while being drunk at around 6 am the previous day, swinging a wooden stick. When Mr. B was surprised and ran away, it was investigated that Mr. A followed the security guard to the elevator and swung a club. The security guard was reportedly injured in the head and shoulders for three weeks.

It is known that Mr. A was investigated for assaulting Mr. B two years ago. At that time, the case was ended when Mr. B submitted a disclaimer to the investigating agency stating that he did not want to punish Mr. A, who was accused of simple assault.

In addition, it is known that Mr. A was investigated by the police twice in 2017 for a simple assault case against another guard C. At this time, it was found that the case was concluded by submitting an application for disapproval to the investigating agency stating that Mr. C did not want punishment. Simple assault charges are anti-pseudo unsanctions in which the perpetrator cannot be punished if the victim does not want to.

However, unlike the previous cases that were charged with simple assault, this time it is a special assault charge that was assaulted using a stick, so even if an application for non-punishment is filed, if the allegation is proved, punishment can be made.

A police official said, “The charges of special violence applied to Mr. A this time can be sent regardless of the victim’s willingness to punish,” he said. “We are investigating whether there is any additional damage against the security guards and residents working in the apartment complex.”

The police are planning to summon Mr. A sooner or later and consider whether Mr. A is handled as a recruit.

Reporter Dayoung Kim [email protected]

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