Home » today » Technology » Call of Duty: Warzone replaces Verdansk map with ’84 version – Gaming – News

Call of Duty: Warzone replaces Verdansk map with ’84 version – Gaming – News

A Battle Royale game specifically often has little, or only one, playing environment. It is then large and varied and players have to get to know it better and better. Now a new one is coming in Warzone and the original one is disappearing, but the differences are not huge so that the accumulated knowledge of players is not completely sidelined.

In this way you also keep the players together more for matchmaking and sufficient online population; sometimes divided into different play modes but at least all on one map. This is especially useful for Battle Royales because they often need a lot of players per server / game.

Rotating content has also become more common outside of BR games in recent years; so that with new additions some old things are (temporarily) removed from a game. This creates a feeling of exclusivity, that you have to be there, and that there is a course or development involved. I am not much of a fan of it myself. Very popular things often come back later, or annually in a certain period.

But overall, there are still a lot more additions instead of changes when you consider all the online games and everything that they add from weapons to modes to maps to skins. Most of it just comes next to, not instead of. But depending on the game, developer and publisher, sometimes more replacement is chosen.

[Reactie gewijzigd door geert1 op 23 april 2021 17:21]

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