Home » today » Health » Call for tenders: Ba125 – renovation of wastewater treatment systems at the Paty and Chanoines sites, ISTRES

Call for tenders: Ba125 – renovation of wastewater treatment systems at the Paty and Chanoines sites, ISTRES

Notice of public call for competition
Publishing Department (s): 13, 30, 83, 84
Advert No 21-80572

Official name and address of the purchasing organization: DRSID Lyon.
Correspondent: Mme COQUET Adeline, MINDEF / Sga / Dcsid / Esid Lyon, BP 97423 69347 Lyon Cedex 07, tel. : 04-13-93-95-07.
Main activity (ies) of the contracting authority: Defense.-

Object of the contract : istres (13) – ba125 – renovation of wastewater treatment systems at the Paty and Chanoines sites.-
Type of works contract: execution.
CPV – Main object: 45232421.
Place of performance: istres (13) – ba125, 13800 Istres.
Code NUTS : -FRL04.
The notice involves a public market.
Main Features :

will variations be taken into account: no.
istres (13) – ba125 – renovation of wastewater treatment systems at the paty and canons sites. The security and confidentiality protection clause applicable to this contract is: “sensitive contract” within the meaning of article 5.3.2 of the decree of 13 November 2020 approving the general interministerial instruction no1300 (igi 1300) on protection of national defense secrets. Under this clause, the legal person and the executing staff are subject to elementary control (appendix 3 of the special clauses). As such, the security clauses applicable to this contract are defined in appendix 2 of the special clauses.
the offers are valid 6 months from the deadline for submission of offers (in the event of negotiation 6 months from the submission of the final offer after negotiation)
as the contract provides for several execution stages, the overall timeframe for the execution of the work is 8 months.
the period of execution of the firm phase is 2 months, not including a preparation period of 3 months.
the execution period for optional phase 1 is 2 months, not including a preparation period of 1 month.
the maximum period of consolidation of optional phase 1 is 24 months after notification of the firm phase.
There is no provision for recovery in the execution of the installments.
no withdrawal indemnity is provided for in the event of non-strengthening of the installments
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and extent (works): istres (13) – ba125 – renovation of wastewater treatment systems at the Paty and Chanoines sites.
Options: descriptions of additional purchases: no option is planned on this market.
Refusal of variants.
Services divided into lots: non.
Main terms of financing and payment and / or references to the texts which regulate them: the prices are firm, updatable with the Tp01.
Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded: where applicable, the group of companies will be joint and several. In the event of a joint grouping, the agent will be jointly and severally liable for the co-contractors.
Languages ​​that can be used in the offer or application: French.
Currency unit used, the euro.
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO
Award criteria:

Economically most advantageous tender assessed according to the criteria set out in the specifications (consultation rules, invitation letter or descriptive document).

Type of procedure: open call for tenders.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: July 26, 2021, at 4 p.m.

Other informations :
Reference number attributed to the contract by the contracting authority / contracting entity: USID_ISP_21011.
Further information : the visit is compulsory. A certificate of visit signed by a representative of the SID is then sent to the candidate. This certificate must be attached to the offer under penalty of nullity.
to make an appointment the candidate should contact:
Mr. Gaétan Cedile
Phone: 04-09-51-06-94
email: [email protected]

M. Yanick Kern
Phone: 06-75-44-50-88
email: [email protected]

Ms. Lucie Sciorella
Phone: 06-42-22-93-25
email: [email protected]

Only in the event of a PLACE malfunction, applicants can contact:
[email protected]; [email protected]

any question whose answer could have an impact on the content of the offer must reach the service no later than 10 calendar days before the deadline for receipt of the offer. In accordance with article R.2132-6 of the public procurement code, additional information is sent to economic operators no later than six days before the date set for receipt of tenders.
for questions asked subsequently, the public body is not required to answer and the candidate cannot take advantage of it to push back the deadlines for submitting the offer or to establish an appeal on the procedure for this contract. Responses are provided in writing to all bidders. When a response necessary for the preparation of the offer is not provided 6 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders, or in the event of significant modifications to the documents of the consultation, the deadline for receipt of tenders is postponed. in proportion to the importance of the modifications made and under the conditions provided for in article R. 2151-4 of the public order code.
Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: June 14, 2021.
Address from which documents can be obtained:

Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=773571&orgAcronyme=g7h.
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative court of Marseille 22-24 Rue breteuil 13006 Marseille, tel. : 04-91-13-48-13, email: [email protected], fax: 04-91-81-13-87.
Service from which information can be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: Administrative court of Marseille 22-24 rue breteuil 13006 Marseille.

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