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Call for Submissions: Composition Competition for the Latvian Radio Big Band

Until this Friday, June 30, you can still submit your compositions to the composition competition organized by the Latvian Radio Big Band of the Latvian Academy of Music. As part of this, the young composers have to create compositions for the big band composition and soloist Aija Vītoliņa.

This year, the competition has significantly expanded the geographical boundaries: not only the Baltic countries, but also Norway and Sweden, young ensembles who permanently live or study in one of these countries can compete in it – senior year students of music high schools and colleges, as well as students of music universities and young professionals of the age from 18 to 30 years. The jury representatives from the Baltic countries will also be joined this year by colleagues from Norway and Sweden, who have gained a lot of experience and recognition on the international stage, thus the composition of the jury this year is as follows: Helge Sunde (Norway), Peter Danemo (Sweden), Raul Sööt (Estonia), Pranas Kentra (Lithuania), Eriks Ešenvalds (Latvia).

The purpose of the big band composition competition is to promote the emergence of new, original compositions, as well as to popularize the creativity of young jazz musicians.

The compositions of the semi-finalists will be performed on October 27 in the Ziedonis Hall of the Latvian National Library by an international big band of students from the Baltic and Nordic countries under the leadership of conductor Dāvjas Jurkas, as well as soloist Aija Vītoliņa. On the other hand, at the final concert on November 30 in the Spīķeru concert hall, the works that the jury will have recognized as the best will be performed by the Latvian Radio big band led by Kārļas Vanagas and Aija Vītoliņa. The program and artistic concept of the final concert will be created by Kārlis Vanags.

The winners of the competition will also receive cash prizes: 1st place – 900 euros, 2nd place – 700 euros, 3rd place – 500 euros. The live broadcast of the final of the concert will also be heard on the “Classics” program of Latvian Radio 3, and the winners will be announced live.

2023-06-27 19:01:25
#Competition #young #composers #create #songs #Aija #Vītoliņa #big #band

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