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Call for expression of interest: “AMI Santé Numérique”

The State wishes to identify the economic actors concerned on French territory and collect their project proposals. This MAI will make it possible to identify priority projects that will be quickly funded, but also to foreshadow future calls for projects: projects that have responded to the MAI can, for example, be oriented towards calls for projects launched during the year 2021. which will be most relevant to them. It is mainly aimed at companies, research laboratories and health establishments supporting these companies.

Expected projects

Projects must have an innovative component to ensure the long-term development and implementation on an industrial scale of innovative products, technological processes or services, in accordance with the priorities of the acceleration strategy and relate to one of the following axes:

  • AXIS 1: Digital medical devices
  • AREA 2: Collection and / or structuring of health data
  • AXIS 3: Others

Eligibility criteria

  1. The file as described by the specifications of the AMI must be submitted, on time, in electronic form via the Bpifrance extranet;
  2. The project must be part of one of the 3 axes;
  3. The aid request must relate to work carried out in France and not undertaken before the submission of the aid request;
  4. The project must present a budget greater than 2 million euros for an individual project and greater than 3 million euros for a collaborative project, over a maximum duration of 3 years;
  5. The project must be carried out by a company alone or in collaboration with one or more of the following partners:

at. Research Laboratory ;
b. Health or medico-social establishments;
vs. Business.

Selection criteria

  • relevance with regard to objectives and expectations;
  • socio-economic impact and expected benefits;
  • innovative character and added value of the products or services developed;
  • quality and relevance of the proposed partnerships;
  • quality of the economic model, business and financing plan presented;
  • medical, medico-economic impact or on the efficiency of the healthcare system;
  • soundness of the market access strategy;
  • approach to the challenges of protecting the scientific and technical potential of the nation;
  • environmental impacts and, where applicable, positive effects expected from an ecological point of view.

Support modalities

The projects submitted to the AMI will help to refine the industrial and technological inventory on the market targeted by the acceleration strategy, to adapt the objectives of the strategy and the calls for projects (AAP) that will be proposed. More strategic projects can be financially supported under the Investments for the Future program.

Submission of applications

  • Deadline for submission: June 16, 2021 at 12 noon (noon Paris time)
  • Timetable: the projects will be examined during the handovers set for April 8, 2021 at noon (noon) and at the closing date on June 16, 2021.
  • The file is sent to Bpifrance in electronic form on its online platform

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