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California virus mutation worries researchers: “Super infection” through mixing with Africa variant?

The coronavirus is changing, which is why infections with new virus variants are occurring around the world. A new virus mutation is also spreading in California.

Infections with the Brazilian, British and South African virus variants * have already been detected in Germany. The mutants bear their name because the first corona infection detected with the variant was detected in the respective country. The modified viruses can spread worldwide, primarily because of trade and tourism. This is considered dangerous above all because virus variants such as the British mutant B.1.1.7 are considered more contagious compared to the original virus types and are thus driving up the incidence figures worldwide. In the case of the British virus variant, there have been so far studies not yet published the Deutschlandfunk according to evidence that that B.1.1.7 causes more severe courses of Covid-19 and may be associated with an increased risk of death as a result compared to infection with the conventional virus. The British advisory body NERVTAG would have emphasized, however, that the data situation is not yet sufficient to make final statements.

More about the differences between the British virus mutation and the original variant: British corona mutation B.1.1.7: New study shows clear differences in Covid symptoms.

California virus mutation infection in around 90 percent of Covid patients in California

The California virus variant CAL.20C or B.1.429 is currently gaining notoriety in the USA. There is that Deutschlandfunk According to little information about the new virus variant that the Los Angeles Times was first detected in May 2020. According to the LA Times, B.1.429 has become the dominant strain of the virus in California and is of particular concern to medical professionals because of its rapid spread. The mutation “not only spreads more easily than its predecessors, it also evades antibodies generated by Covid-19 vaccines or previous infections, and is linked to serious illness and deathAccording to the researchers, “it says on the part of the Los Angeles Times.

In the USA, one in ten people has now been vaccinated against the corona virus: However, it is not yet certain whether the available vaccines will also develop their full protective effect against virus mutations such as CAL.20C.

© Paul Bersebach / dpa

Researchers at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) had described the California virus mutation as a “worrying variant”, which would be on a par with the variants from Great Britain, South Africa and Brazil. Around 90 percent of the Covid diseases diagnosed in California by the end of March 2021 could be traced back to the mutated virus B.1.429, so Dr. Charles Chiu, infectious disease researcher and doctor at UCSF. “The devil is already here,” Chiu is quoted as saying by the Los Angeles Times. “I wish it were different. But science is science. ”

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New virus variant due to the meeting of B.1.351 and B.1.429?

With this statement, Chiu wants to make it clear that the British virus mutation is not the only source of danger. The Deutschlandfunk According to researchers, the California virus mutation is causing concern, especially in combination with the “South Africa virus variant” B.1.351. This could create a selection pressure between these two variants, which could produce new virus variants with properties that undermine the effect of available vaccines even betterit continues.

The extent to which corona vaccines that have been approved to date have the full protective effect even in the event of an infection with the Californian variant has not yet been conclusively clarified. But vaccine manufacturers are working on that Deutschlandfunk according to already adapt the vaccines as closely as possible to new mutations. (jg) * Merkur.de is an offer from IPPEN.MEDIA.

Continue reading: Does corona vaccination work against British virus mutation? Study is optimistic – also with regard to the Africa virus.

These viruses and bacteria make us sick

These viruses and bacteria make us sick-

Rubriclistenbild: © Paul Bersebach

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