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California Student Arrested for Plot to Carry Out School Shooting, Police Say

California Student Arrested for School Shooting Plot

California Student Arrested for School Shooting Plot

Suspect with “Obsession” for Columbine Shooting

A high school student in California was arrested and is now facing attempted murder charges after a classmate expressed concerns about the teen’s fixation on school shootings and access to weapons, according to the Ontario Police Chief Mike Lorenz.

Arrest and Discovery of Weapons

The suspect, Sebastian Villasenor, 18, was arrested on Saturday, and a search of his home led to the discovery of seven rifles, two revolvers, a handgun, a shotgun, and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition, as revealed in a news conference held by Ontario Police Chief Mike Lorenz.

Planned Targets and Investigative Findings

Investigations showed that Villasenor had five intended victims, all female students, and was considering a sixth target, as stated in a criminal complaint. The suspect had meticulously researched tactical supplies and was in the process of choosing a specific date for the potential attack.

Charges and Legal Proceedings

Sebastian Villasenor is charged with one count of attempted criminal threats and five counts of attempted murder. According to the San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office, Villasenor is scheduled to be arraigned on Thursday. He is currently being held without bail.

Early Intervention and Gratitude

The investigation was initiated on February 8 when officials from Ontario Christian High School contacted the police after a student reported concerns about Villasenor’s behavior. Ontario Police Chief Mike Lorenz expressed gratitude, acknowledging the student’s bravery for coming forward and potentially preventing a tragedy.

Potential Motive and Date Selection

Interviews and evidence suggest that Villasenor had difficulty forming relationships with students but had not been bullied or harassed. Investigators believe the attempted shooting was planned around April 20, the 25th anniversary of the infamous Columbine shooting, which the suspect reportedly had an obsession for.

Incidence of Campus Violence

While the arrest took place on a significant day for survivors and victims of the Parkland shooting, campus violence remains a concerning issue across the United States. At least eight shootings on K-12 campuses have already occurred in 2024, following 52 shootings last year.

Responsibility and Legal Precedents

As prosecutors continue to address campus violence, recent cases, such as the conviction of Jennifer Crumbley in Michigan, raise questions about the culpability of individuals when a student opens fire on classmates. Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter after her son killed four students in a 2021 shooting at Oxford High School.

Disclaimer: The above article is an account of an incident and the ensuing legal proceedings. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of our news organization.

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