Home » today » World » California Governor Declares a State of Emergency on Southern Beaches Affected by Oil Spill | Video | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

California Governor Declares a State of Emergency on Southern Beaches Affected by Oil Spill | Video | Univision 34 Los Angeles KMEX

oswaldo borraez is from athe last.oswaldo: I am onthe governor expressed thetremendous ecological damage thatThis is causing lifemarina.not only inspected, butwho chatted with politicians fromthe area, promised fines forthe people who caused this.an ecological disaster ofepic proportions in athere is wildlife, swamps andmarine life protected in a30 mile radius.pet oil spill likestate emergency. I wasthe press conference, thepetolian line wasdragged 105 feet with a13 inch crack.how have we beenreporting, the spill wasHe went on Saturday at 9:00 a.m.the morning.120,000 to 150,000 gallonsover the sea.after the pipeline ofwill spill, what is suspectedcould cause this rupture.they spoke local politician ofcommunities, just like acoast guard admiralwhat is controlling thatstain do not keep scrollingto San Diego affecting thousandsof beaches.>> we must raise awareness,especially the authorities thatare under the control ofoil.oswaldo: the effects have adirect impact on networksof fishermen who supplybusinesses in the area. there arewaters to helpfishermen to determine ifmollusks are contaminated. thegovernor stated that there was nonew permits foroil rigs in thestate.there is one thing that trulywe have to highlight. you guyscan you see how beautiful thispanorama, but you can’t seethe oil foundon the sand. and more than three andtwo volunteers who workhere to try to clean up.we know there are manyto save the animals. byof course it islevel investigationsfederal, state and local. Manythey will ask what you want to knowhistory.I want you to point your phonetowards our screen.I’m going to show you an ocode,in which you can use ita meu from a restaurant.will receive the informationRelate this story andalso to another story how are youever seen relationship withour coverage continues andI was still around what isgoing.the consequences that existfor this oil company andhow does it go to business

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