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California becomes the epicenter of the US coronavirus

California became the state with the most cases of coronavirus; it has a total of 415 thousand infected. Photo: AP


California became the state of United States with more cases of coronavirus, beating New York, after reporting this Wednesday a total of about 415,000 infected.

The aState authorities reported that 413 thousand 576 People have contracted the disease since the outbreak began, of which 7,870 died, 115 on Tuesday.

If California were a country, it would be the fifth with the highest number of cases in the world, behind the United States, Brazil, India and Russia, and ahead of South Africa, Peru, Mexico and Chile, according to the Johns Hopkins hospital count.

The total number of positives also exceeds in almost 4 thousand 700 cases the state of New York, which was the epicenter of the pandemic in the country in the boreal spring.

The number of deaths in New York of 25 thousand 068 continues to be the largest in the country, although the state has seen a sharp drop in both infections and deaths in the past two months.

Californian authorities have emphasized that when comparing the numbers, it is necessary to consider the fact that California has the largest population in the country, of almost 40 million and double that of New York.

Governor Gavin Newsom said Wednesday that the spike in infections could be explained in part by the reopening of key sectors of the economy, which kicked off in late May.

It is not surprising that now, as we have begun to reopen key sectors of our economy and people mix and have contact with others who may have contracted this disease, that our numbers are starting to rise, “he told reporters.

He warned that the increase in infections was a reminder of “the magnitude of the impact this virus continues to have.”

Newsom said that the state registered 12,807 new COVID-19 infections andn the last 24 hours, a record.

Hospitalizations have also increased greatly, with more than 7,000 people hospitalized as of Monday and more than 2,000 in intensive care.

California was initially touted as an example of managing the pandemic, imposing the first closures in the country.

But after beginning to relax restrictions in late May, he was forced, weeks later, to order new closings of restaurant, bar, barber, and movie theater salons, as the number of infections increased

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