Home » today » World » calendar for October 26 in Russia and the world, folk signs, who was born: Society: Russia: Lenta.ru

calendar for October 26 in Russia and the world, folk signs, who was born: Society: Russia: Lenta.ru

On October 26, Russia celebrates Gymnastics Day, and the world celebrates the Scandinavian New Year. Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and remember St. Benjamin of Pechersk. Read more about the celebrations, signs and famous birthday people on October 26 in the Lenta.ru material.

Holidays in Russia

All-Russian Gymnastics Day

Photo: Vladimir Astapkovich / RIA Novosti

There was a holiday established 1999 and since then has been celebrated annually on the last Saturday of October. On this day, the achievements of Russian athletes are honored, and events are also held to popularize artistic and rhythmic gymnastics in the country.

Gymnastics was known to the inhabitants of Ancient Rus’ – sports competitions were considered an integral part of folk holidays. The widespread development of this discipline began in the 18th century at the instigation of Peter I and Alexander Suvorov. However, gymnastics became a truly mass sport only in the USSR – by the way, it was in the Soviet Union that rhythmic gymnastics originated.

Holidays around the world

Scandinavian New Year

Scandinavian New Year is associated with paganism and leaves roots in the pre-Christian era. With the arrival of the holiday, people began to count down the “winter nights” – the darkest time of the year.

Now the holiday is celebrated annually in Norway, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. The main character of the celebration is Julenissen, the Scandinavian Father Frost. One of the main traditions is burning an effigy dressed in old clothes. The Scandinavian New Year also has its own talisman – the Yule cat, which brings good luck and prosperity.

Фото: Jacob Lund / Shutterstock / Fotodom

World Amyloidosis Day

Amyloidosis is a group of diseases caused by the accumulation of abnormal proteins called amyloid fibrils. Most often, patients with this diagnosis are affected by the heart and kidneys, and life expectancy without treatment is amounts to from six months to four years.

In 2021, the Amyloidosis Alliance and several other organizations established a day that today unites at least 18 countries on four continents. The main goal is to inform the general public about this disease, discuss measures to speed up diagnosis and improve the quality of treatment.

What other holidays are celebrated in the world on October 26

  • International day of colonoscopy;
  • Engineer’s Day in Tunisia;
  • National Day in Austria.

What church holiday is today?

Bringing the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God to Moscow

According to legend, in the 9th century the Iveron Icon was kept by a pious widow who lived near the city of Nicaea. One day, iconoclasts burst into her – one warrior hit with a spear in the image of the Virgin Mary, and immediately blood flowed from the affected area. The frightened woman decided to save the shrine – she gave the soldiers money and lowered the image into the sea. So, the icon sailed to Athos, where it was received by the monks of the Iveron Monastery.

Later, the image became famous for its miracles far beyond the monastery. So Patriarch Nikon turned to the Iversky Monastery with a request to send a list to Moscow. On October 13, 1648, the shrine was solemnly greeted by the residents of the capital.

Photo: Evgeny Biyatov / RIA Novosti

What other church holidays are celebrated on October 26

  • Day of Remembrance of the Hieromartyrs Carpus, Bishop of Thyatira, Papila the Deacon, Martyrs Agathodorus and Agathonica;
  • Memorial Day of St. Benjamin of Pechersk;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Florentius of Solunyan;
  • Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Benjamin of Persia.

Signs for October 26

In the folk calendar, October 26 is the day of Agathon, or Bath Day. At this time in Rus’ it was customary brings put the baths in order, heat them and steam.

  • To appease the Bath spirit, water, a broom and soap were provided for him on this day.
  • The water in the baths was also blessed. It was believed that on this day she would not only help get rid of illnesses and troubles, but also attract good luck to the house.
  • Accidentally spilling water means news.
  • Washing your face with rainwater is a sign of wealth.
  • Dousing yourself with boiling water means losing money.

Who was born on October 26

Igor Maslennikov (1931-2022)

Photo: Ruslan Krivobok / RIA Novosti

Soviet and Russian film director, best known for the film adaptation of Arthur Conan Doyle’s works about Sherlock Holmes and the Winter Cherry trilogy.

Maslennikov also occupied leadership positions in the Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. In total, during his creative career he managed to make about 30 films and television series.

Vasily Vereshchagin (1842-1904)

An outstanding Russian battle painter, known for his realistic and critical depictions of war. During his life, the painter managed take part in many military campaigns, and then reflected the horrors of war in the paintings “Apotheosis of War”, “Triumphing”, a series of works “Napoleon I in Russia” and many others.

Who else was born on October 26

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