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Calanques of Marseille: against overtourism, are quotas effective?

“If we do nothing, we risk irreversible damage to the site, its biodiversity and landscapes.”on the Calanques National Park website, the message is clear.

For three years, access to Sugiton has been regulated by a summer visitor meter. With Covid, the situation had become impossible. Close to the city center of Marseille, Sugiton harbor is the most popular with tourists.

At the height of summer, “we counted 3,000 people a day, even 3,500”explains Zacharie Bruyas, communications manager at Calanques National Park.

3,500 people in this small place surrounded by rock walls. The swim quickly turned into a crowd pool.

To find a place, tourists did not hesitate to leave the predefined paths. These extremes caused soil erosion.

In places, the vegetation has disappeared: the earth has degraded, the pine forest has disappeared. But thanks to efforts in stream management, over the summers, nature gradually regains its rights.

“A reservation is a reservation”

At the Marseille Tourist Office, holidaymakers flock to the ticket counters. As soon as Sugiton’s name is announced, the counselor rushes to warn the person involved: “Be careful with this gem, reservations are required, at least 2 days in advance.”

Sugiton is accessible by reservation for special occasions. “We are limiting 400 people a day. “explains Zacharie Bruyas.

This summer, two weekends in June and September, and the months of July and August are affected. Far from being seen as a loss of freedom, this system was quickly accepted by the public. For the Park’s communications manager, “We had to position people as conservative actors”. This step could be implemented over time, until the complete restoration of the flower.

Infographic Marion Deygas.

Reservations are made online. Visitors receive a QR code, which they must present to the agents located at the back entrance. A fine of 68 euros can be punished if you do not comply with the criterion.

Promoting the first results

After three years, the quotas begin to bear fruit. On the ground, the first signs are promising.

“The erosion seems to be slowing down, little pine shoots are continuing and growing.”
Zachary Bruyas

But there is no question of declaring victory too soon. The Calanques National Park has implemented a scientific study, planned over six years.

“Only after six years will we be able to make the figures speak: if it works or not. “he explains.

In total, scientists believe that it would take fifteen years for nature to fully regenerate. Efforts must continue and may even be intensified. The Park is considering opening reservations for long weekends in May.

Resources to combat trampling

“Reserves complement existing arrangements”confirms Zacharie Bruyas. Since 2019, Calanques National Park is taking matters into its own hands to preserve the ecosystem.

The first work is dedicated to marking paths by installing wire posts and creating stairs. The visitor must be guided to avoid entering sensitive areas. But that is not enough. Recently, the City of Marseille, with the support of the Regional Directorate of the Environment, Planning and Housing (DREAL), invested 300,000 euros in this major project.

The award was given to Par Ailleurs Paysages, a collective of designers based in Marseille. “We work with asymmetry so that it blends into the decor. “explains Antoine Magnon, one of the landscapes. The wooden benches were replaced with limestone blocks. To keep the peace of the earth, “We chose dry stone walls”he finishes.

photo"> Calanques of Marseille: against overtourism, are quotas effective?
Posts have been installed to mark the tracks in Sugiton. Photo of the Calanques National Park.

But these centers are quickly showing their limits. “In the summer, when there were too many people, the posts went over”notes Zacharie Bruyas, communications manager for the Park. The booking system solves this problem, severely reducing the stamping in Sugiton.

In a short time steps were extended to other tourist sites?

Coastal conservation is central to the concerns. Sugiton is not the only protected site affected by over-tourism. Didier Réault, president of the Calanques National Park, has started negotiations with the metropolis, to extend the quotas to the islands of Frioul. Sormiou and En-Vau could be the subject of work in the coming years.

For now, we are only talking about work and not quotas. The cost is not the same. Last summer, Sugiton’s goalscorer cost 100,000 euros. To limit costs, some such branches limit access to mountain bikes or boats.

2024-08-18 22:45:13
#Calanques #Marseille #overtourism #quotas #effective

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