Home » today » Entertainment » Calamocha invests more than 100,000 euros to improve its theater and auditorium

Calamocha invests more than 100,000 euros to improve its theater and auditorium

The Calamocha City Council has invested more than 100,000 euros in the placement of the mouth curtain and the linoleum floor on the stage of the theater and municipal auditorium, two actions framed within the Consistory plan to continue adapting and improving a space widely used by the neighbors.

The latest improvements made to the theater and auditorium serve to give a more professional appearance to the stage and perfect stage practices on stage. In this sense, the laying of the linoleum floor is committed to a surface that is respectful with the environment, since it is made with totally natural materials, and much more resistant and durable than the previous one, which was decided to change due to its wear. In the same way, it has been chosen to place a mouth curtain, the most used in traditional theaters, to separate the stage from the hall and the spectators, and thus allow a much more professional entry and exit of the performances.

“Calamocha continues to bet on culture, because it is the best way to combat barbarism, violence and unreason”, highlighted Manuel Rando, mayor of the town. A large number of activities related to theater, cinema and different events such as talks and conferences take place in the municipal theater and auditorium. For this reason, the City Council has been working for months to find a space that allows all these activities to be carried out in the best possible way.

Before laying the new floor and stage curtain, the theater and auditorium had had other improvement performances such as the structure of the black box, a set of black blackout curtains that are used to delimit the scene, or the acquisition of a new sound equipment and a projection camera for the cinema. “We are very clear that investing in culture is investing in the future of our neighbors. The actions that we have been carrying out for months have the objective of improving a space that is widely used by residents and the objective is that they can enjoy the many activities that take place throughout the year in the best conditions, “said Rando.

However, the actions to improve the theater and auditorium of Calamocha do not end here, as the City Council intends to improve the lighting of the premises and implement a new hot and cold system to increase the energy efficiency of the entire building.

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