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Cak Imin regarding PKB-Gerindra Cooperation: For the Awakening of Greater Indonesia


General Chairperson (Ketum) of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin to meet the chairman of the Gerindra Party Prabowo Subianto at Prabowo’s residence, on Jalan Kertanegara, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. During the meeting, the two agreed to establish cooperation between PKB and Gerindra to face the 2024 General Election.

“Alhamdulillah, tonight, this cooperation has strengthened, until the conclusion conveyed by Mr. Prabowo is that PKB and Gerindra are ready to cooperate fully and thoroughly ahead of and prepare for the presidential, legislative and regional elections in 2024,” said Cak Imin after meeting Prabowo, Saturday (18-18). /6/2022).

He hoped that PKB would not only cooperate with Gerindra, but with other parties. According to him, inter-party cooperation, including with Gerindra, is important for the success of the 2024 election.

“Hopefully our cooperation can continue to be carried out with other parties to lead to the success of the presidential election, the success of the regional election and the success of the legislative election in 2024. And we PKB and Gerindra have the same vision, mission, goals and struggle for a more advanced, just and prosperous NKRI,” ” he said.

After the meeting, Prabowo and Cak Imin were seen shaking hands with each other. They seemed to spread warm smiles to each other and spoke about the philosophy of cooperation between the two parties.

“So what? A religious nationalist party and a nationalist religious party,” Prabowo said.

“For the sake of the revival of Greater Indonesia,” said Cak Imin.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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