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Cai Wenxu, 5-Term Chiayi City Councilor of the Democratic Progressive Party, Dies at 60 Due to Terminal Lung Adenocarcinoma

Cai Wenxu, a 5-term member of the Chiayi City Council of the Democratic Progressive Party and the current party chief, passed away today at the age of 60. His wife mourned and wrote, “Some people cannot be lost, but they have to let go.” Cai Wenxu, who had been a public opinion representative for more than 20 years, committed suicide during his illness He admitted that he lived a wonderful life, “My only regret is that I can no longer serve my fellow villagers.”

DPP Chiayi City Councilor Cai Wenxu died of terminal lung adenocarcinoma on the 13th at the age of 60. During his illness, he expressed, “The only thing I’m sorry for is that I can no longer serve the folks.” The picture shows Cai Wenxu attending the extraordinary meeting of the Chiayi City Council this year. (Central News Agency)

The Cai Wenxu Service Office stated that Cai Wenxu traveled alone to Hualien County by motorcycle in August this year. However, after returning to Chiayi, he found that he often breathed when walking and was breathless when talking. When he went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with pulmonary hydration, which had been infiltrated for many days. His lungs were already shrinking, so he was immediately hospitalized and allowed to rest slowly after being discharged.

The service office pointed out that after Cai Wenxu was hospitalized for pulmonary edema, he even attended the extraordinary meeting of the Chiayi City Council on September 1 and lost weight. At that time, Speaker Chen Ziyu and many council members were very concerned about it. Later on 11 During the regular meeting of the Chiayi City Council, Cai Wenxu’s condition worsened and he was hospitalized at National Taiwan University Hospital. Unexpectedly, he died today of terminal lung adenocarcinoma.

Cai Wenxu’s wife, a teacher surnamed Zhuang, posted a sad message this morning: “Some things you don’t want to happen, but you have to accept; some people can’t lose, but you have to let go.” Teacher Zhuang’s article also mentioned that her husband Cai Wenxu once expressed during his illness, “Although my life is short, from the street movement in my youth to being a public opinion representative for more than 20 years, I think that the breadth of my life is quite rich; I feel that I live a wonderful life.” , no regrets! The only thing I’m sorry about is that I can no longer serve the folks.”

The Service pointed out that Cai Wenxu graduated from the Management Department of the University of California (CSUSB), is the general convenor of the Democratic Progressive Party of Chiayi City Council and the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Chiayi City Councilmembers, and was evaluated by citizen groups as ” Ranked No. 1 in the City Council for Political Inquiry”, and won the “Golden Throat Award for Political Inquiry” selected by the media. He once served as the host of Chiayi Voice Radio’s “Speech Square”, a member of the Central Committee of the Taiwan Independence Alliance Taiwan Headquarters, and an officer of the Cultural and Propaganda Department of the Central Party Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party. .

Editor-in-Chief: Yu Weining

2023-12-13 08:01:24
#Cai #Wenxu #fifthterm #member #DPPs #Jiashi #City #died #illness #age

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