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CAC 40: interest rates take off, real estate in the United States expected at the turn

the CAC 40 should open close to equilibrium after another session of progress yesterday in the wake of the Fed’s statements. As investors expected, the central bank said on Wednesday night that it could start cutting asset purchases as early as this fall and paved the way for a rate hike in 2022. The Fed has also shown its way. reassuring on the outlook for employment and inflation, even if the statistics of the day were less good than expected.

In the fixed income market, 10-year yields continue to tighten on both sides of the Atlantic. Investors will pay close attention to the Ifo business climate index in Germany in September. Yesterday, on the Paris Bourse, the more significant than expected slowdown in private sector growth in the euro zone did not affect the good mood of professionals. New home sales in August in the United States will be released at 4 p.m. The pending fate of Chinese real estate group Evergrande will continue to be a sword of Damocles.

>> To read also – CAC 40, Wall Street… “the stock market goes up in the void, beware of the crash!”

The values ​​to follow today


Neoen has signed an agreement to sell 100% of its shares in the French solar power plants of Grabels and Lagarde, which represent a total capacity of 11 MWp. The two plants will be sold to Amarenco, an independent producer of exclusively photovoltaic energy of reference in Europe, for an enterprise value of nearly 31 million euros, or 2.8 million euros per MWp. The net proceeds from the sale will amount to a level of approximately 10 million euros, which will contribute to the 2021 EBITDA.

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