Home » today » Business » Cabinet wants to keep society open for as long as possible in the event of a new corona wave, especially the schools

Cabinet wants to keep society open for as long as possible in the event of a new corona wave, especially the schools

The number of corona infections is currently increasing slowly, but Minister Kuipers is not yet concerned. “The number of infections was very low, so this was to be expected,” he said at the presentation of his new corona plan. He does not rule out a revival in the autumn. That is why it is important to continue to monitor the virus.

Sectors must make their own plans

The cabinet wants sectors such as education, the catering industry and the travel industry to make their own plans to prevent a new wave. These measures are increasing: from light measures – such as mudguards – to heavy measures. Shops, theatres, schools and other institutions are prepared to put up splash screens, introduce walking routes and have visitors keep 1.5 meters away from each other.

They are also willing to work by appointment and to reintroduce fixed seating. The concrete plans should be announced in September.

General lockdown measures

According to Kuipers, the sectors are also prepared to use the corona admission ticket ‘in exceptional situations’.

If the corona figures rise sharply, the cabinet can announce general lockdown measures. Closing schools and childcare ‘is at the bottom of the pile’, according to Kuipers.

keep testing

In order to keep society open for as long as possible, there will be a so-called ‘basic preparedness’ for vaccination, monitoring and testing and tracing. Keeping society open “is a responsibility of all of us,” said the minister. People must therefore continue to test themselves and go into isolation.

Kuipers takes into account that new rounds of vaccinations will be needed in the coming months. The GGDs now have the capacity to vaccinate 300,000 people per week. Kuipers calls this a pilot light and says that there are enough people available for this. According to the minister, this could be expanded to 500,000 shots in three weeks, and to 1.5 million vaccinations per week in six weeks.

New team

A new team will also be added to the OMT: the Social Impact Team (MIT). That team will look at the impact of the measures.

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