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Cabinet meets in Dresden: New Corona rules

Dresden (dpa / sn) – After the corona summit of the federal and state governments, Saxony’s government wants to present the new corona rules for the Free State today (1 p.m.). To this end, the cabinet first consults. Then Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) and Minister of Health Petra Köpping (SPD) provide information on the key points of the new Corona Protection Ordinance. Kretschmer had already spoken out against further easing and referred to the increasing number of infections in Saxony. In addition, the head of government spoke out in favor of nationwide tests to enable activities in sports and culture, for example.

On Monday, the incidence in the Free State climbed to 158.8. The value indicates the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week. Of the 13 regions in Saxony, only the city of Leipzig was below an incidence of 100 (84.5) on Monday.

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