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Cabinet: ‘Meetings outside allowed from 1 June with a 1.5 meter distance’ | NOW

People may come out together again from 1 June, provided they keep 1.5 meters away from each other. Until now, you were not allowed to meet outside with more than two people. The distance rule does not apply to people who belong to the same household.

That was announced by Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Tuesday evening during a press conference after the crisis meeting with experts and the cabinet.

This eases the ban on group formation. “We have earned the space that we have now by living the rules,” said Rutte. But he warned that we must continue to follow the rules for further relaxation. “We may have confidence, but we must remain vigilant,” said the prime minister.

Groups that do not keep to the 1.5 meter distance will be fined. For adults it is 390 euros, for children 95 euros. Organizers of meetings or events are fined 4,350 euros if they do not comply with the distance rule.

At home, people receive the “urgent advice” to keep 1.5 meters away when there is a visitor. This applies to indoors, in the garden and on the balcony.

Furthermore, the old precautions remain intact. That means staying in when you have a cold, in case of stuffiness and / or fever the housemates stay at home, work from home as much as possible, often wash hands, do not shake hands and cough and sneeze on the inside of your elbow.

Rutte: ‘Caution and economic interest are an extension of each other’

Rutte explained why one professional group, such as hairdressers, can open and the other cannot, such as gyms. “We don’t look at specific groups, but we also have to have an eye for the bigger picture. Every relaxation means more crowds on the street, more crowds in public transport and more crowds of people. Therefore, not everything can suddenly open.”

According to Rutte, this is not a value judgment, but a risk assessment. Opening sectors too quickly, causing the virus to spread with a second lockdown, would be far worse for the economy, the prime minister said.

“Caution and economic importance are an extension of each other.”

Rutte to children and young people: ‘Think about the future’

Rutte had a special message for children and young people. According to the prime minister, they have “very well adapted” to living with the corona virus and have adhered to the rules. “For that I give you a compliment. Thanks to you, there are fewer people in the hospital, so that slowly but surely more can be done again.”

Rutte calls it logical if young people sometimes feel gloomy or angry because of the situation.

The cabinet would like them to think along about the future plans. “It’s about your future. Your ideas and creativity are desperately needed. Come up with ideas, criticize, preferably constructively, talk and discuss about it at school and at the sports club,” says Rutte.

From June, a maximum of thirty people allowed in public buildings

As of June 1, meetings of up to thirty people are allowed indoors in all buildings that are publicly accessible, Rutte confirmed. Contrary to previously reported, personnel do not count. That turned out to be too difficult with enforcement, Rutte said.

That means the reopening for restaurants, cafes, cinemas, concert halls and theaters. Party bars, discos and clubs will remain closed. The government considers the risk of spreading there too great.

Museums must sell tickets in advance so that visitors can keep a sufficient distance.

These steps were announced two weeks ago, but could only continue if the figures for the number of hospital and IC admissions of corona patients remain manageable for care.

This is only allowed under the strict conditions of a distance of 1.5 meters, a maximum of thirty people (with cinemas that is thirty people per room) and a compulsory reservation to check whether visitors have corona complaints. The maximum number of visitors must prevent group formation and alleviate the pressure on public areas and public transport.

Secondary schools will also be available again from June. Pupils can return to school on June 2, Monday June 1 is Pentecost.

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