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Cabin food rules when returning from the USA

There is more and more talk of good physical health among truckers and the benefits it can bring in terms of productivity and personal well-being.

It is with this in mind that more and more truckers are transporting their own food in their truck in order to cook healthy themselves while they are on the road rather than limiting themselves to the menus of truck stops.

We recently published a background text on healthy lifestyles for truckers, food being an important part.

Except that sometimes some of them overestimate the food supplies they need during a trip to the United States and, upon their return to the country, are forced to throw food in the garbage – because of their nature or their quantity – before going through Canadian customs.

Trucking companies and drivers affected by these issues will be interested to know that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is planning to make changes to the amount of food a person can bring back to Canada. The organization says the rules are meant to protect the country from exotic animal diseases and invasive species.

These limits and restrictions apply to all travelers entering Canada, including truckers who carry cabin food for personal use, said Cynthia Biasolo, CFIA spokesperson, in an interview with Truck transport.

“The Agency is still modernizing,” she said, referring to the importance for regulatory authorities to keep pace with citizens’ consumption habits, inviting citizens to visit the website. Agency to familiarize yourself with what is currently allowed.

The changes under study are intended to set personal exemption limits that better reflect the volume of food that a traveler could normally bring for personal use, without risking the safety of the food consumed. other Canadians.

The CFIA welcomes your comments on the proposed new limits. The online consultation relates to personal exemption limits and does not apply to commercial shipments. The consultation is ongoing until March 4, 2020. Click here to send your comments.

Nutritionist and health coach at Healthy Trucker, Andrea Morley says he does not expect the transportation industry to undergo significant impacts with the new rules, those in place being already rather generous and generally sufficient for a return trip to United States.

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