Read with “great surprise and joy”. dr Walter Geppert, Vienna 4th district, in the previous time travels the article about the school between Wolfgang-Schmälzl-Gasse and Max-Winter-Platz in the Leopoldstadt Stuwerviertel, he discovered former classmates and teachers there. On a in No. 428, which showed the teacher Hilde Hauck with protégés, Dr. Even geppert himself as a youth.
In the article published in the previous month, there were some reminiscences of Mag. Johann Eckel, Vienna 22, to those post-war years when he went to secondary school there. A poet’s visit was also mentioned. This is remembered by Dr. Geppert: “As a student, I was allowed to welcome Franz Karl Ginzkey to the school class”. From this ceremony, Dr. Geppert also attached a souvenir picture (see right). Of course, no one knew that the man of letters shook hands with a future minister. Walter Geppert, who was a secondary school student at the time, “completed his doctorate as a lawyer (1979) and was also an employee of the Vienna Chamber of Labor and most recently Director General of the Main Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions, which no longer exists”. In 1989 he became Minister of Social Affairs under Chancellor Franz Vranitzky.
Dr. Helmut Zemann, Kaisersdorf, also raved about the February time travel – “a pleasure”, not only the school history, but also the topic of Kuenringer (No. 428): that the ministerial family, which played a major role in Lower Austria’s development, once “did not get good press”. , because the Cistercians of Zwettl did not give him a good report, was already mentioned in the previous month. But the “minnesinger Ulrich von Liechtenstein” also spread evil, adds the tracker. An article by historian Dr. He learned something scandalous from Peter Zawrel: In the work “Frauendienst” Ulrich von Liechtenstein reports “how he refused to fight with Hadmar von Kuenring”, probably because he “had managed to injure Ulrich” at a tournament. “The rumor spreads that Ulrich refused because Hadmar is homosexual” – a once “outrageous accusation” that Hadmar wants to get back at his opponent at a tournament with a ruse (an “uncourtly dinc”, as Ulrich put it). The minstrel thus publicly accuses Kuenringer of immorality, which, according to Dr. Zemann, for whom that time was “strong stuff”.
Picked out & sorted by Andrea Reisner