Home » today » World » Byron: New facts about the murder – Where was the victim involved – 2024-05-13 10:56:52

Byron: New facts about the murder – Where was the victim involved – 2024-05-13 10:56:52

New evidence is coming to light about the cold-blooded murder of the 32-year-old in Byron.

According to what he revealed to Live News, Vassilis Lambropoulospolice editor of the newspapers “TO VIMA” and “TA NEA”, the 32-year-old after the murders he had committed in 2021 and 2022 in Albania, had taken refuge for a significant period of time in Greece, while until recently he lived in Dubai, Spain , Italy and France.

The authorities suspect that the 32-year-old was related to drug trafficking and that’s why he lived in different countries to cover his tracks.

Last week the 32-year-old came to Greece to see his wife and child.

Everything shows that the executioners of the 32-year-old man methodically followed his wife and child in Greece, with the cold-blooded “beating” taking place in front of the victim’s child.

The time of execution

Passers-by describe images and residents of apartments in the Byron area show the footage they took seconds after the 32-year-old was executed.
There is pandemonium in the area.

His 37-year-old wife who was with him in the car receives first aid and remains in a state of shock. A little further down, police officers collect the shell casings of the murderous attack and photograph the scene.

The 32-year-old man is dead in the driver’s seat. His wife, who was with him, fainted and a little later got out of the passenger seat, while their 7-year-old child was playing in a nearby square at the time.

Everything happened at the junction of Messolonghiou and Tsaldari streets. A machine approaches the black car driven by the 32-year-old and shots are fired, with 2 bullets hitting the driver and cutting the thread of his life.

Police officers and rescuers from EKAV quickly arrived at the scene, but it was already too late for the 32-year-old since his death was instantaneous.

The area remained cordoned off for hours and the two people on the bike managed to escape.

The profile of the victim

The news of Byron’s crime was also covered in extensive reports by the Albanian media, as the 32-year-old was a wanted man and a member of a gang. He was suspected of murdering a 28-year-old man in Albania while he was also involved in a murderous ambush.

In 2018, he was arrested for possession of a large amount of weapons and ammunition, but also for money that came from thefts. Three years later he and members of his gang stormed a bar armed with Kalashnikovs.

Security cameras had recorded the contentious scenes with patrons raising their hands and the 32-year-old looking for the owner of the store. As the images showed, he and his accomplices were asking for customer IDs to check their details so that no mistake would be made about the person who would enter their crosshairs.

A few months later the 32-year-old was involved in a murderous ambush in Albania and in 2022 he was considered the main suspect in the deadly attack on a vehicle with a Kalashnikov, resulting in the murder of a 28-year-old.

All this seems to have put him in the target of rival gangs, who located him in Greece and Byron.

Police attribute the murder to settling scores, with the victim’s wife and 7-year-old child remaining in a state of shock.

The search for the perpetrators continues but for the moment they remain fruitless, with the residents of the area being upset since last night, as the crime took place a breath away from their homes, in a residential area, near small children who were playing in the square.

“They were looking for him for at least a year”

The special police analyst, Stavros Balaskas spoke on the Live News show about the cold-blooded murder in downtown Byron and revealed, among other things, that the Albanian mafia had been looking for the victim for at least a year.

“They were watching his wife… we are talking about a very expensive contract because we are talking about two shots, one in the head, the other in the body, we are talking about instantaneous hits and the EL.AS officers. they probably came from Albania, executed him and after a short period of time returned back,” said Mr. Balaskas.

He ended up saying that it was a leading member of the Albanian mafia from there and the huge financial comfort.

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