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Byron Castillo’s lawyer rejects the audio released by the British media

Byron Castillo is a defender of the Mexican club León. Photo: Instagram Byron Castillo

Andrés Holguín, lawyer for the Ecuadorian national team Byron Castillohe assured this Monday, September 12, that the audio he used has no effect Chile in his desire to eliminate Ecuador from the Qatar World Cup, as he claimed it is a piece that has already been discarded in the process.

“The sound that circulates it’s nothing new. In addition, a constitutional judge did not consider it evidence as it was not possible to certify that it belonged to Castillo, “Holguín said Monday during an interview from a Quito radio station.

Also, the lawyer Lion club defenderfrom Mexico, added that “in the FIFA trial this audio cannot be presented as evidence, since it was not presented in the first instance nor on appeal, this does not affect anything,” he insisted.

Holguín assured that this is a The desperate act of Chile and the legal body of its Football Association. “This audio doesn’t change anything. That country wants to enter the World Cup through the back door,” the lawyer said wryly.

The first resolution of FIFA before the complaint filed by the National Association of Professional Football of Chile (ANFP) agreed Ecuador and their classification as the fourth best team in the South American qualifiers, although they later filed an appeal which will be decided next Thursday.

Publication of the Daily Mail

the British tabloid Daily mail On Monday, he cataloged the audio as an “extraordinary revelation” and assured that Castillo “clearly states that he was born in 1995, not 1998, as his Ecuadorian birth certificate says.”

Furthermore, the British newspaper claimed that the FEF had established in 2019 that Castillo was an Ecuadorian citizen, although the tabloid later assured that Castillo “admitted to using a false passport and the Ecuadorian Federation hid it”.

The FEF announced that it had been summoned to the hearing convened by FIFA and that the player was also summoned, due to the claim of the ANFP, which Peru joined, of having been eliminated in the play-off phase by Australia , while Chile Was in seventh place under Colombia.

A British media published “new” evidence of the Byron Castillo case. FIFA has already agreed with the player »https://bit.ly/3RC5Fe9

Published by Business On Monday 12th September 2022

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