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Byeonkang Pills: Enhancing Lung Function and Boosting Immunity for Stubborn Diseases

The Byeonkang pills developed by Director Seo Hyo-seok of Byeonkang Oriental Hospital can effectively enhance human lung function and improve immunity. So far, it has benefited hundreds of thousands of patients with atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, asthma, tonsillitis and other stubborn diseases around the world. (Biankang Service Center/Epoch Times Cartography)

◎Experts know experts

Several years ago I treated a young woman for rhinitis. This woman radically cured her rhinitis with Biankang Pills, and she recommended Biankang Pills to her father, who had a history of rhinitis for 30 years. It just so happened that this father was a doctor and a serving professor at Seoul National University. After listening to the detailed explanation of Byeonkang Pill, the professor nodded slowly and said, “If it is a drug that I can trust, then I would be willing to be the subject of clinical trials.” This is a statement full of self-esteem as a professor and doctor at the most authoritative university in South Korea. One sentence.

A few days later, he came to my oriental hospital in Ansan. He did not stop at the entrance of the hospital, but got off the car on the way. He said to the driver: “I will walk over with a light heart.” This was the highest sincerity in his determination to entrust rhinitis treatment to Korean doctors. I carefully explained the process of treating rhinitis to the professor. He listened to my explanation silently, and then asked me, “What should I do with the medicines given by the Seoul National University Allergy Disease Center?”

“Please stop.”

In the following months, he personally experienced the efficacy of Biankang Pills, and then he also sent the medicine to his wife’s brother who suffered from rhinitis and his daughter in the United States. Both of their illnesses were eventually cured. One day I received a call from the professor, and he told me an interesting incident during his treatment.

◎Put drugs?

On Teacher’s Day, young professors came to the professor’s house to say hello. While drinking tea and chatting, the professor said, “I took Korean herbal medicine and cured my rhinitis this time.”

Hearing this, a young professor was surprised and said: “Dean, it’s too dangerous! This kind of effect must be due to steroids. There are countless natural medicines containing steroids. It must be a short-term effect. Maybe drugs are also added.”

Another young teacher said, “Professor, Korean medicine also contains a lot of pesticides these days.”

The juniors insisted on saying this, and in order to verify their words, the professor sent Pyeonkang Pills to the Seoul National University Drug Testing Center for ingredient testing.

“The results came out today.”

I smiled and waited for him to continue.

“The test result of Biankang Pill… does not contain steroids, pesticides, preservatives, other heavy metals, environmental hormones, drugs and other 186 harmful substances. Not a single one was detected. Congratulations.” So I didn’t spend a day For a small sum of money, he completed the component testing of Biankang Pills at an authoritative university research institute. If I go for the test directly, although I don’t know the price, it should be very expensive. The professor immediately called the juniors who doubted the ingredients of Biankang Pills. On the phone, he said this: “You people, do you talk about Korean medicine so casually?”

When he heard that I was writing this book, he added: “Dean, please convey my words to the readers. Please feel free to take it. This is Korean medicine that has been personally verified by the most authoritative Western medicine doctor.”

There is a saying in Korea that “the mountains are high and the valleys are deep.” As the therapeutic effects of Byeonkang Pills spread among people, they began to attract attention not only at home but also abroad. Some are surprised, some offer encouragement, and some cast jealous or suspicious glances. In order to open up overseas markets and eliminate various doubts about drug safety, we decided to entrust the US FDA to conduct ingredient testing of Biankang Pills. Although it has been tested at the Seoul National University Drug Testing Center, it was not officially applied by our hospital, so it is not convincing overseas.

On February 1, 2006, the anxiously awaited results came out. Aurea Yogarajah, the head of Microback Company, the FDA’s official testing agency, officially signed the testing approval. Its main content is “The results of chemical and biomolecular toxicity tests show that Biankang Pill is a safe product.” (Excerpt from Xu Xiaoxi’s book “Bian Que’s Wish in Bian Kang”, with some abridgements.)


Pulmonary fibrosis and bronchiectasis significantly improved after taking hemoptysis

I am Ms. Li who lives in Taipei, Taiwan. I am 65 years old.

I had tuberculosis as a teenager. I started coughing up blood in 2015, and the doctor diagnosed me with pulmonary fibrosis. In 2016, I underwent vascular embolization due to coughing up blood, and it was found that I had bronchiectasis. Before taking Biankang Pills, I often felt difficulty breathing and shortness of breath. A large amount of hemoptysis occurs every ten days or so, and I have to go to the hospital for hemostatic injections every two or three months. At the same time, the doctor prescribes some oral hemostatic drugs. I usually cough very frequently, have a lot of phlegm, and often catch colds. I have to go to the hospital for intravenous injection almost every two or three months, and it takes a week for each treatment to heal. I often have headaches and dizziness before catching a cold, and my sleep is very bad, which makes the whole family restless. Worrying about my health all day long. At that time, the whole family atmosphere became heavy and depressed because of my health problems. The family tried their best, but no satisfactory results were achieved despite multiple treatments.

In 2016, I saw an introduction about Bian Kang Wan in the Epoch Times newspaper. After discussing it with my family, I decided to try it over and over again. So, I started taking Biankang Pills in October 2016. Since taking Biankang Pills, I have found that the number of colds has decreased significantly, there is much less phlegm than before, and I am not as wheezing as before. The frequency of coughing up blood is significantly reduced, the amount of blood coughed up is also much less, and my complexion is much better than before. I went to a Western doctor for a checkup, which showed that the pulmonary bleeding had been suppressed. Even the doctor who didn’t understand traditional medical treatment suggested that I continue to take Biankang Pills.

Since 2018, I have only had one cold so far. My difficulty breathing has improved significantly, my shortness of breath is less, and my coughing during the day is much less than before. My overall mental state has fundamentally changed from before. Biankang Pill not only brings me health and hope, but also brings peace of mind and happiness to our whole family!

(24-hour expert consultation in Mandarin/Cantonese)
• Phone: 800-210-5501
• Website:www.pyunkang.us

Editor in charge: Sun Cheng◇

2023-10-28 04:44:20

#Miracle #Silent #Extension #Misunderstanding #Understanding #Biankang #Pills #Lung #Care #Rhinitis

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