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Bydgoszcz Cashier: If they raise the interest rate again, I will have nothing to pay for the installments

When we met Monika Maciejewska, she was working full time as a clerk cashier in one of the grocery chains.

– At home I have a notebook in which I write down my taxes. And I check them one by one. I have 50 zlotys left to live this month. I had a salary of PLN 2,400 and a mortgage and rent of PLN 2,400. I still have gas, internet, cash and telephone. So far I have taken all this extra money from my financial cushion, but now my savings are gone. I have nothing left. It will be a difficult month – regrets the young woman.

Some time ago, Ms. Monika, tempted by the low interest rate on loans, took out a mortgage in PLN. At the time of signing the contract with the bank, she was aware that the amount of the monthly payment would change, but she did not expect it to increase by nearly one hundred percent.

– The first interest rate in the signed contract was 4.34 percent, after the first increase it jumped to 7.4 percent and the current increase was 9.9 percent. – enumerates Maciejewska. And she adds: -When I started to repay her, the installment was 1,100 PLN and today I pay 2,100. I had foreseen that the installment could go up to 1,600 PLN and I was already thinking about what I would do then, but I did not expect it to go up to 2,100 PLN. I was not at all prepared for this, and this is not the end. If they raise the installment again, I will have nothing to pay it for.

Before our heroine got a loan, several banks decided that she had no creditworthiness. Eventually, with the help of a consultant, she found her way to a bank that helped her fulfill her dream of her own apartment.

– I wish we could live normally and many other people who are in a similar situation. We earn honestly, but we are unable to pay for an apartment or rent it. Especially if someone has children. I’m sorry for these people. For example, I have no children and it is hard for me, and with children I can not imagine it – says Monika.

– Support parents? They also have their merit because they have a home. Like it or not, we can’t even help each other, because they pay their obligations and I pay mine. Everyone struggles to pay taxes – explains Maciejewska. And she adds: -I have always been such a person that I wanted to do everything by myself. Without the help of parents or family. My character is that what I earn is mine and no one will tell me that he gave it to me.

Monika Maciejewska had been in a relationship for several years when she decided to buy an apartment from her parents. Paying off the two-salary loan was easier. The separation with my partner coincided with an increase in interest rates.

While preparing the report, Ms Monika lost her job.

– I have no job and no money for credit. A vicious circle, says the woman. And she adds: -I think it will be easier for me to find a job now. I have 2-3 suggestions that I will consider and definitely choose something from it.

Before her dismissal, a woman with a permanent full-time job took about PLN 2,500. For several months, she also took on additional work. First by arranging the goods on the shelves. Ms. Monika also works as a photographer from time to time during weddings, weddings and other family events.

We decided to help Monika Maciejewska. For an individual meeting and advice, we convinced a lawyer, co-owner of a company that dealt, among other things, with debt collection.

– To be honest, the situation is not colorful. In this case, you can take advantage of the loan holidays offered by the legislator. Also, you shouldn’t close yourself off to offers from other banks and try to lend to another bank. If the offer is better, you should accept it and not think twice. Perhaps it is worth considering renting an apartment and moving to a smaller area so that the rent covers the loan payment. It is also possible to sell real estate – says Dominik Ciecierski.

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