Home » today » Technology » By video on Facebook they capture an alleged murderer of a minor in Olaya | THE UNIVERSAL

By video on Facebook they capture an alleged murderer of a minor in Olaya | THE UNIVERSAL

Elsa’s heart was broken into a thousand pieces on June 20, 2021 when a bullet to the head ended the life of her little Junior Manuel Fernández Pertuz in the 11 de Noviembre sector of Olaya Herrera. He was only 14 years old.

“Since that day I am not the same, I have psychological treatment, and my happiness is little. I hold on to my other three children to keep going,” she said.

Elsa feels some relief, because she learned that on October 20 Lawis Pajaro Gaviria, 29, alias ‘el Bollo’, alleged murderer of the minor, was captured.

Read here: Minor shot in the head dies in Olaya Herrera

“The guy was hiding in Bogotá, but one day he uploaded a video to Facebook and thanks to that we were able to locate him. A sister who lives there helped me. Now he is in the URI of Nariño in virtual hearings, but I want them not to release him, to pay, for the full weight of the law to fall on him, I am afraid that he will be released, it would be unfair, ”she said.

Regarding what happened on June 20, it is known that Junior left the Ricaurte sector, where he lived, at about 8 o’clock at night, on November 11 – Bomba del Tigre -, to visit his girlfriend. At that moment ‘el Bollo’ arrived with a firearm and without any justification he shot him in the head.

At first he spoke of a gang fight, then it was found out that this was not the case. It seems that the designated person today was under the influence of alcohol.

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