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By the Rules of the Anglo-Saxons: Creeping Coup in Europe –

/ world today news/ The sudden change in the rhetoric of the French President Emmanuel Macron may seem like a serious step for a politician in the fight against the influence of the Anglo-Saxons, but Europe is still too far from the “hegemony of the dollar” before gaining independence from ” hegemony of the dollar”.

After a visit to Beijing, French President Emmanuel Macron managed to surprise everyone with his statements that contradicted the generally accepted line in Europe. And that was bad news for the collective West and especially for the United States.

The fact is that Macron again recalled his idea of ​​​​a big Europe that has its own army and acts independently of the United States, and also called for a reduction in dependence on the “extraterritoriality of the dollar.” In addition, Paris abruptly blocked a new EU project to supply ammunition to Ukraine worth two billion euros.

Andrey Perla, columnist of First Russian, commented on the situation on the air of the “Hidden Meanings” program.

Almost independent France

As Perla emphasized, it should not be thought that Macron suddenly took the side of Russia and began to have a negative attitude towards Ukraine, because the politician acts more prosaically.

If the EU decides to spend several billion euros on the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of Ukraine, then France wants to sell exactly what it wants to get rid of, and not at all what Brussels intends to buy for the needs of the Kiev regime.

Paris remains hostile to Moscow, but Macron is also trying to pursue an independent foreign policy, although France remains a prominent member of the EU and NATO.

“It almost looks like an independent France that we would like to see. Because we don’t want to see a France that is friendly to us, we want to see a France that is friendly at least to itself,” Perla explained.

As for the criticism of the “dictatorship of the dollar”, Paris has a vital interest in the euro becoming an independent currency.

And this perfectly correlates with Macron’s visit to Beijing, because China’s foreign policy supports the de-dollarization of the global economy.

Judging by publications in China’s Global Times, which acts as the CCP’s international mouthpiece, China actively supports Paris’ desire to take steps on its own.

The American world is collapsing

Now, Beijing, together with Moscow, opposes Washington, which is trying with all its might to maintain its hegemony in a world that is bursting at the seams. However, de-dollarization is inevitable, especially in conditions where the level of influence of the BRICS is already beginning to overtake the G7.

Chinese media are already predicting that the US-centric world will eventually collapse into an alliance between the US, Canada, the UK, the EU and Australia with New Zealand. That is, we are talking about the original Anglo-Saxon territories and Western Europe.

China only welcomes the attempts of European countries to free themselves from the American dictate. However, few today believe that Western Europe will cease to be a satellite of the US, as the latter has too many levers to pressure its partners. In particular, the financial instruments and influence of NATO should not be forgotten.

“For Europe to become independent, at least France, preferably France and Germany, must leave the NATO military organization,” Perla explained.

“Under President de Gaulle in the 1960s, France, remaining a member of NATO, remaining an ally of the United States, did not obey any NATO command, its army was completely independent,” he continued.

“It is another question how successfully it fought in Indochina, protecting the interests of France. But it was still an independent power with its own military policy. Now it is gone,” said the interlocutor.

Macron’s room for maneuver is extremely limited. And even changing the president of France in the face of NATO critic Marine Le Pen or any other politician will not allow Paris to act without regard to NATO.

A prime example is the failure of the deal to sell four French helicopter carriers to Russia, which clearly demonstrates the helplessness of the French.

Will Europe revolve around Poland?

France and a number of other European countries were engulfed in protests today. But the reasons remain purely economic – raising the retirement age, rising prices of food and gasoline, high inflation, etc.

At the same time, European political elites are sure that voters are too stupid to put two and two together.

“The economic problem is separate, and the government’s policy is somehow related to it. But for the sanctions against Russia to be somehow connected with this… this is already a complex logical construction. And for NATO membership to be connected with this, it’s already a very complex logical construct,” Perla added.

It is possible that the violent protests will eventually sweep away the intransigent French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

But it is unlikely that the new leadership will decide to revise the current political course and start acting in the interest of the people, abandon the sanctions and restore the destroyed economic ties.

As for the Chinese, they hope to maintain their huge investments in Europe and encourage European partners to act independently of the US. Although such a position is pragmatic, the First Russian columnist considers it too bold.

Another factor preventing Europe from gaining independence is the division between Central and Eastern Europe. A symbol of the confrontation is Poland, which has become a 100% satellite of the Anglo-Saxons. On this, the Polish country built its identity, becoming an opponent of France in the European arena.

“There is such an assumption, and many European political scientists are now very carefully expressing it… that the Anglo-Saxons are gradually shifting the balance and turning Poland into the center of power of this new Europe,” the expert concluded.

Translation: SM

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