Home » today » Business » “By signing a partnership with pretpro.fr for professional loans, we are adding a string to our bow”, Mehdi Moulla (AB Courtage)

“By signing a partnership with pretpro.fr for professional loans, we are adding a string to our bow”, Mehdi Moulla (AB Courtage)

AB Courtage, real estate loan brokerage for individuals, recently signed a partnership with the pretpro.fr network: a way to expand its range of services while remaining focused on its know-how in mortgage lending. Mehdi Moulla, responsible for banking relations and partnerships, discusses the benefits of this partnership for AB Courtage.


PRET PRO is the most suitable response to the profession of professional loan expert. Pro credit, Professional loan, Independent, Financing, Business purchase, Leasing, Factoring, Crowdlending.

The National Network of independent experts in Professional Financing Solutions.

Why did you sign a partnership with pretpro.fr?

The partnership with pretpro.fr opens up a wider field of action: it now allows us to respond to requests for professional loans. Previously, we received requests from our customers, but we could not always respond. Now we have a new string to our bow.

The partnership is win-win: we can bring a new solution to our customers, while relying on experts. Being able to entirely delegate the processing of the file to pretpro.fr suits me because I had no desire to develop this know-how within AB Courtage. I prefer to let the knowing act!

How is professional financing a different job from home loan?

Professional financing is a separate profession, very different from mortgage lending. It uses specific processes, tools and actors. As an expert in mortgage loan, we are specialized in the banking product.

Professional financing has a much wider field of intervention. This is why, in my opinion, a real estate loan broker cannot offer optimized professional loan solutions.

Why did you choose pretpro.fr as a partner?

First of all, pretpro.fr is the market leader and is recognized for its expertise. In addition, the territorial coverage of the network has a national scope which corresponds to AB Courtage. Our respective franchisees will be able to meet locally. It is important for me that there is this close contact.

Concretely how is the partnership going?

I communicated within my network the signing of this partnership. Each franchisee is encouraged to meet his counterpart pretpro.fr locally, in order to facilitate collaboration in the field. A few cases are already being processed in Nice and Seine-et-Marne.

Concretely, if he is interested, each AB Courtage franchisee can integrate the pretpro.fr financing form on his website. When a customer fills out the form on the franchisee’s site, his request is sent and processed directly by pretpro.fr. My franchisees are kept informed in real time of the progress of their clients’ files thanks to the pretpro.fr intranet tool. Everything is very fluid.

In conclusion, I am very satisfied with the signing of this partnership and the feedback from the field is already very positive!

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