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«By next week we will know if the vaccine will arrive within the year. The infections? We are on the razor’s edge “

If tests go well next week in Europe, the first doses of the coronavirus vaccine could be had. Talking about it is Walter Ricciardi the consultant to Minister Speranza, full professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Catholic University, who explains the progress of the research involving Oxford and Pomezia.

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In his speech in Agorà he spoke of progress on the vaccine, explaining that the European Medicines Agency began the approval process last week with the so-called “rolling review” phase. There is talk of 2 or 3 million doses for Italy, which would certainly not be sufficient but represent a beginning that could already be there by the end of the year.

At the same time, the expert did not hide the concern about the increase in infections. He reiterated that commitment is needed to stop growth, underlining: “We are on the razor’s edge.” Ricciardi spoke of the importance of controls and also of the sanctions that can enforce the decrees. Respect for distances and the use of safety devices are essential, otherwise, he said: “If we do not reverse the trend, we could reach 16,000 cases in two months”. In an interview with the Huffington Post, he explained this surge in infections as a clear sign of how the epidemic has not been defeated.

Managing the situation is very delicate, given that the priority of the government and the scientific community is to avoid a second lockdown and keep schools open. To do this, all regions need to focus on accurate diagnostics. The current situation is a direct consequence of a careless behavior in the past weeks and months, so now the trend must be reversed. On the fears of a possible new lockdown he clarifies: «We must and can avoid it, we are in the conditions to succeed. The only way to do this is to behave responsibly. On the other hand, by respecting the rules you can do everything ».

Last update: Thursday 8 October 2020, 13:32


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