Young politician Rian Ernest withdrew from the Indonesian Solidarity Party (psi extension). Rumors circulated that Rian Ernest would join the United Indonesian Party (PKI).perishing). It’s true?
Party Spokesperson Coordinator Perindo Heri Budianto opened his voice regarding this news. He said Rian Ernest had indeed paid a friendly visit to Perindo.
“He visited Perindos,” Heri said when confirmed on Thursday (12/15/2022).
Heri said the news was just waiting for the official announcement. You asked all parties to wait for official news from Perindo.
“I’m still waiting for the official announcement, just wait for the official announcement,” Heri said.
In line with Heri Budianto, the president of the national newspaper Perindo Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB), Muhammad Zainul Majdi, also said the same thing. He asked everyone to wait for Perindo’s official announcement.
“Just listen,” TGB replied briefly including a smiley emoticon.
Meanwhile, Perindo DKI Jakarta DPW President Effendi Syahputra also opened her voice. He said that Rian Ernest had many colleagues in Perindo and that there had been political talks with Perindo.
“As far as I know, Rian has a lot of friends in Perindo, so it’s possible the conversations will just be political chats,” she said.
See Rian Ernest leaving PSI on next page.