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By force, not even the shoes fit

* By force, not even the shoes fit

*Plan C, the same as A and B

By Luis Repper Jaramillo*

[email protected]

Says a Mexican colloquial phrase, rooted in the Aztec idiosyncrasy “to egg, not even the shoes enter”, whose meaning, according to the populace, is understood as “do not want, by force, to impose your desire, will, whim on me, because it simply does not have to be”.

But I insist on the idea and consult the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of Language, to give me the version dissected within reason, culture and the correct language:

“The arrogance with which we have been educated has made it easy for us to swallow the idea that we can control everything and that we can and should even force things. But what does not flow by itself in a greater percentage of cases is because it shouldn’t be

The concept “we want to apply our will to other people” is expanded. We have to understand that we are all free and sovereign entities, with our own conscience and that our actions cannot and should not be restricted by the will of another

¿Where do we suffer from this?? Oh, of course, in the decisions and actions that arise from the viperine snout that the prowler of the National Palace prescribes for us every morning, who cohabits, survives and usurps a historic site by force.

I continue with the cultural breakdown of the phrase at hand. “wanting another (YSQ) to impose that we behave as they want, let us do what they want and follow their will, is like trying to put a shoehorn in the brain of that one (who has few neurons) trying to mold us to their shape, that is something that we do not we must allow

So far the academic reasoning.

Therefore, we must not allow (despite the fact that 4 years and 4 months have elapsed since the failed government of the T4a -read Andrés Manuel López Obrador-) that someone tries to mold us into their “way” of being, Descartes already said it “cogito ergo sum”: I doubt, even how someone tells me that I should be

I also resort to the Mexican Proverb, which is nothing more than the number of simple sayings that carry popular wisdom. As “Chafofas”, a young man from the street, used to say in my childhood neighborhood, La Obrera, when he “choteada” a single man, handsome, with wool, mysterious, who “didn’t hang around” with us. He earned this saying, (counts itself) mature single, safe fucking

To conclude with the proverbs, which I will apply to the decisions and actions of the Peje, which are regularly or almost always wrong, witty, imposed, clumsy. The Mexican Proverb itself tells us “Not even shoes enter”: it tells us that things cannot be done by force, that if you want to force something or someone to do “something”, you will not be able to “

This is how the tenant of the National Palace has acted throughout this failed six-year term. At his whim -for his tanates- he canceled the construction of the New Mexico International Airport (NAIM) in Texcoco and by force forced Morena to invent a Popular Consultation, it was spurious, since it had no rigor, no official backing, and no endorsement from the INE. Everything was operated by his chairos, amlovers, pejezombies, botts, and he got away with it. His stubbornness cost the public treasury (Mexican money) 5 thousand 692 million dollars (official report of the Superior Audit of the ASF Federation) for payment of compensation to investors,

There are dozens of wrong decisions that by force Mr. López imposes, like the one in which he tried to extend the presidency of the SCJN for 2 years (unconstitutional and illegal), in its representative and wormy larva, Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de la Rea, (due to trans-exenal overtones), but the worthy Ministers – not aligned to Morena- rejected Andrés’s initiative. he peeled

Another vox populi saying, fits perfectly with the theme “what you least want to see, in your house you have to have it“And that is exactly what millions of Mexicans suffer when having to endure, tolerate, suffer, punish a General Coordinator of Mexico (because he does not govern, less knows how to eat that, and also does it badly), because his decisions and actions affect, they harm, they harm the population who we have seen move away from the possibility (at least in this hell of a six-year term) of improving our quality of life. We are aspirationists, which annoys him.

The effects of their occurrences, betrayals (to Mexico), blasphemy, cowardice, nonsense cause a negative impact on the population. So much so that the social scales have moved down. Since the beginning of the administration (2019) he abandoned his campaign promises (first the poor). Indeed, due to his clumsiness, as “republican austerity”, the poor from the peñato they fell into extreme poverty. His place is now occupied by the middle class (aspirationists, middle class, traitors, unscrupulous, immoral, etc.) because for this subject having stories of personal and professional improvement makes us individualistic, indifferent to others. She dared to label us as “if we do not compromise we do not advance”

Another perverse story of López Obrador that cost (at least until 2021) the death of more than 3,500 children with cancer, when in February 2020 he ordered the Health Sector to apply its pilgrim republic austerity. Therefore, it suspended the distribution and delivery of pediatric oncology drugs, halted the application of chemotherapies and canceled the specialized care in process for children, because it argued those actions use a lot of money, they are very expensive, we are saving

In the face of the widespread protest of the dignified, decent, professional media (not like the ones that the spokesperson from Palacio, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, throws at it), from parents, social groups, independent associations, etc. In a television broadcast on Channel 11, of the IPN, the spokesperson for the pandemic and undersecretary of health, Hugo López Gatell, blasphemed when he said “that these protests and disagreements of the parents would cause a coup to the government of López Obrador”… Woow, that size is the pestilential larvis in T4a.

The most recent and foolish of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. When in the Chamber of Deputies, by majority (without Morena, PT, Green) the legislators of the PAN, PRD, PRI, MC, rejected, “batted”, they rejected their Constitutional Reform to the Electoral Law, which contemplated the disappearance of the INE, TEPJF and INAI, proposed “mode” institutions made up of morenistas. His anger was such that Plan B was invented, which consists of summoning “the public” to register as candidates for the presidency of the General Council of the INE and 3 electoral advisers, since Lorenzo Córdova and Ciro Murayama conclude their 9-year term at front of the Institute.

Mr. López’s “offer” was prosecuted and passed to the decision of the SCJN, which, in an act of sovereignty, independence, autonomy, the Minister in charge of the official proposal, Javier Laynez Potisek, ordered the indefinite suspension of Plan B. For the second time “they hit López Obrador.

As the central theme of Delivery says, the fool, stubborn, irrational, talkative, after two failures, for his cataplines Plan C was invented, which consists of putting -a chicken product- 5 women (for gender reasons) as candidates for 4 INE advisory positions, including the presidency.

Causally since the call came out, 5 larvae, faithful, manipulable, submissive, blindly loyal, to Andrés Manuel, slipped in (they even gave them the answers to the 80 questions on the exam)… and Woow, what do you think? The 5 morenistas head the list of nominees. Transaction, cheating, corruption, imposition, finger, who knows!, but there they are.

This Plan C went well for Peje, since the last opportunity for Morena and T4a to impose on the president of the Institute worked for him. It was no longer prosecuted, that is, it was not the Court, but the Lower House that decided through a “tombola”, yes, as in the fair, it used the resource of insaculation (put in a sack what is raffled), placed the papers with the names of the 20 aspirationists for the position in the ballot box.

A “holy hand” (in the case of infernal deputies) took out the ballots one by one and they decided that the last one would be the new president of the INE… And what do you think? What was a brunette, weird? Noimposition of Peje, the “lucky” one to preside over the Institute from April 2023 to April 2032.

It surfaced, with the complacency of deputies from all parties, including PAN, PRD, PRI, MC and the garbage of Morena, PT and Verde, nepotism, well Guadalupe Taddei Zavala, brand new head of the INE has affiliation in Morena, his family is a close friend of Peje. Here is his family tree: he founded in Sonora, his home state, Morena. She is the aunt of Pablo Daniel Taddei, Director of Litio MEX (public company that will exploit lithium) imposed by AMLO.

Guadeloupe, it is prima Jose Luis Taddei, superdelegate from T4a in Sonora.

The Taddei, Lopez Obrador, Brunette, T4a became in fact in the prototype of Nepotism in Mexico. How are you? She was not a Luján Mayor (nepotes) but the Taddei.

With Taddei Zavala, “the power behind the throne” (YSQ) will be given for the 2024 presidential election.This is the conflict of interest!! Do you understand Andrew?

*Collaborator of the Digital Editorial Groups revistapeninsular.com.mx, aldeadigital.mx, bajosello.org, agencialibertad.com, endirecto.mx, algrano.mx

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