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By farewell real Robinson we can look forward to two bickering klutz | show

expedition jansenWho will win which test, suffer the most hunger or make the meanest plans to vote others out? Reporter Dennis Jansen looks back weekly on Expedition Robinson in the Expedition Jansen section.

,,What kind of an edition of Expedition Robinson is this?” René van Meurs wondered aloud when he had (narrowly) lost the test with Kamp Noord and Kamp Zuid was so generous with the treasure won – a chest with sparkling fruit and vegetables. – to share. They suffer. (Van Meurs also burnt fingers, by the way.) Hunger, it’s a bad feeling. I got to experience it once when I was hospitalized years ago (due to a bacterial infection, I’ll spare you the details). I was not allowed to eat for almost two days while my body was… er, cleaned. The first cup of yogurt I got afterwards is still the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten. You can now see the candidates enjoying a simple pancake, a tiny piece of fish or, yes, even snake. Those little eyes of singer Do, they glittered. When do you eat snake? So now. Only Rob Geus – he remains a strange guy – remained picky. snake? ,,You’ve got to love it.”

© Mark Reijntjens

Sure enough, candidates for hero roles are finally coming forward. So JayJay Boske caught a snake on Thursday, or as he put it himself: a filthy snake (there is never a lack of expletives at Expedition Robinson). Singer Do van Hulst – the new kingpin – who got the rest to vote not for Sieneke but for Rob (success). And Eva van de Wijdeven of course, heroine. She already felt the mood when Rob Geus had to choose who to duel with: her or John de Bever. ,,He’s not Robinson,” she told Rob about John. “He knows nothing about food, fire or huts. He is tired and uses a lot of energy. I’ll build you a hut, you can go into chill mode.”

She was absolutely right, but Rob chose her anyway. And, you’ll see, she lost too. Nevertheless, Eva can go home with her head held high. She caught fish, made fire and huts, showed a cheerful and sensitive side; she was a true Robinson. She revealed at the press presentation that she will stop acting and take a different path. Whatever she’s going to do, I have every confidence in it. And indirectly, Eva ensures that we can look forward to beautiful TV with two bickering klutz on one dropout island.

Curious whether colleague Mark shed a tear at the departure of his favorite Sterrin. The ecologist had been voted out by her Camp members, but nevertheless stopped them – it remains remarkable – with kind words. They had shown her ‘the beauty of man’.

At the farewells and the hugs the strings sounded in Safe Now, the great film score by composer Henry Jackman. Delicately chosen, but the lump in my throat just didn’t come. The reason? We have known for a long time that the rejected candidates will be given another chance. So maybe Sterrin will soon see a snake or that special voice of Stefano will sound again.

Rob Geus was also allowed to stay on Thursday. Swept away by eight votes against, but he didn’t have to go home (yet). He shed big tears of joy. “I’m going to pop,” he said. Presenters Kaj Gorgels and Nicolette Kluijver – they just weren’t crying yet – encouraged him. ,,You can, you can do it.” Well-intentioned, but I don’t think so: Rob won’t be able to. Not two years ago, not this edition and not in any subsequent Third Chance, Fourth Chance or 71st Chance edition.

René van Meurs (right) has burned his finger and is cooling it in the water

René van Meurs (right) has burned his finger and is cooling it in the water © RTL 4

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