Home » today » News » By court order, New York public school teachers must get the coronavirus vaccine | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

By court order, New York public school teachers must get the coronavirus vaccine | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

is delayed and away from therain you have to move thevehicles.that the teachers of new yorkget vaccinated against the virus toget to your classes today haswhat to bring the vaccination cardor they will not be able to enter the campus.to explain what it ispassing isabel peraltafind in a schoolde washington heights.we know how many teachers I already knowvaccinated?isabel: í, mariela. in amoment I can tell you butI tell you that mayor billby blasiosaid the city isprepared with thousands of teacherssubstitutes and other personnelwho are ready to impersonateto those who have notvaccinated.today the mandate comes into forceto show that at leastreceived the first dose ofthe coronavirus vaccine. thedemand from a group of teacherswill continue in court,mayor bill de blasioobtained a great legal victorylast friday when thesupreme court judgedeclined a request forstop the vaccination mandate.the education department ofthe city. feel with 8000city ​​employees haduntil friday for thefirst vaccine.the education departmentuntil last friday there wasinformed that you had 9000substitute teachers vaccinated andanother 5000 professionalssubstitutes.who are also vaccinated andto fill the gaps thatworkersnot vaccinated would leave.some parents still havemixed opinions regardingto the controversy.>> we are worried, becauseif the teachers are not the ones>> wants everyoneimmigrants, that everything isget vaccinated but they don’t followvaccinate. if not vaccine moss goes tostart the same when it got worseeverything.be teacher, whatever, everyoneisabel: despite the thousands ofteachers and other staff yescould face shortage ofpersonal.the department of education andamong the masters ofunion of whichrepresents a percentage90% of the staff here fromthe city of public schools

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