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“By 6 votes of blood, the Government of Pedro Sánchez”

Surprisingly, the Law was approved unanimously in the Congress of Deputiesincluding the favorable votes of the Popular Party and Vox. The PP now claims to have been the victim of “a trick” by the Government. The result could be reduction of sentences prison of dozens of terrorists convicted of blood crimes.

“The PSOE is the only party with the capacity to stop this nonsense”

A message with a source in the PP arrived in the private chat of Espejo Público and in it it is assured that the popular ones will try to find “any legal or parliamentary alternative” to avoid the reduction of sentences for those convicted of terrorism. Also in this message, they described this measure as “indecency”.

Consequently, the popular group in the Senate withdrew the processing of the Law from the agenda of the Upper House and requested this Tuesday the withdrawal of it.

“It is not possible to hide a reform”

He Judge Fernando Portillorules out that the content of a law being processed in parliament could have been hidden, and that it is a process that is developed “with light and stenographers”. These accusations of “cover up or ‘they slipped it into me,'” according to the magistrate, “they don’t fit to what real parliamentary activity should be.” It did suggest, however, that it could have been a “abandonmentor so some political representatives come to recognize.”

The victims, outraged once again

“Victims of terrorism, unfortunately, wake up every day to worse news

The Association of Victims of Terrorismassure that the Executive denied that a reduction in the sentences imposed on terrorists was contemplated in the changes in laws or among its plans. However time seems to have shown opposite and from the AVT they expressed as follows: “The Government is about to meet your partner’s daughter’s route. […]. Lie number… We’ve lost count.”

Daniel Porteroson of the former Chief Prosecutor of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia, murdered by ETA, Luis Portero; responded to the questions from Espejo Público.

Daniel, now PP deputy in the Madrid Assemblywas forceful: “It is painful, one more news for the victims of terrorism where The perpetrators always benefit, that is, the murderers.“.

By 6 votes of bloodthe Government of Pedro Sánchez and its partners, promote these types of initiatives“, assured Daniel Portero, that the only thing they would achieve is “harm the victims”.

He attacked the Government for, in his words, not doing “absolutely anything” to clarify the “more than 400 unsolved murders“.

“The sad thing is that the opposition has been sneaked in”explained Daniel, who also valued the PP’s reaction positively: “It is appreciated that they have already asked for forgiveness.”

Finally, he proposed as a solution the modification of the anti-terrorism directive “to make it possible that this decision is not applicable to terrorist crimes“.

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