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BW opposition fears school closings – SWR news

In the Baden-Württemberg state parliament there was strong criticism of the state government for the abolition of the mask requirement in the classroom. Minister Schopper defended the decision.

In an emotional debate, the opposition in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament accused the state government of massive omissions in education policy. The support program “Tailwind” is running nowhere because of the current high number of canceled lessons, criticized SPD education expert Stefan Fulst-Blei. With the 21 million euros for the image campaign “The Länd”, 300 teacher positions could have been financed for this school year instead. The FDP MP Timm Kern described it as an “educational bankruptcy declaration” by the state government that no more teachers were hired after distance learning caused by the pandemic.

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SPD: State government risks school closure

The abolition of the mask requirement was discussed particularly vehemently in the classroom. Since October 18, pupils no longer have to wear mouth and nose protection in their place in the classroom. There was heavy criticism of the decision from the opposition. Without masks in class, the state government risked another lockdown in schools, criticized Fulst-Blei.

There had also been criticism from several associations

There had already been criticism from pupils, parents and teachers’ associations in advance. “The attempt to do without masks in class has caused increasing numbers of corona outbreaks in our schools,” said a statement from the regional student council, regional parents’ council, philologists’ association and secondary school teachers’ association.


Due to increasing corona cases at schools in Baden-Württemberg, pupils, parents and teacher associations want the mask requirement back. Minister of Education Schopper is open.

Greens refuse to wear a mask in schools

In view of the recent rise in the number of corona infections and the impending alarm level, it was requested to return to the mask requirement in class after the autumn break on November 8th. Sandra Boser (Greens), State Secretary in the Ministry of Education, had rejected a return to duty in the SWR conversation:

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Eight-year-old Anna is in the private tutoring school

Many teachers and students in Baden-Württemberg want a mask requirement in schools again. Minister Schopper is still holding back – which the opposition sharply criticizes.

Most recently, the Education and Upbringing Union (GEW) reinforced concerns about the mask exemption. “Nobody wants the children to have masks on their noses. But we have to see how we can guarantee classroom teaching, ”said GEW state chairwoman Monika Stein.

Schopper: “Nowhere is so much testing done”

Green Culture Minister Theresa Schopper rejected the criticism in the state parliament session on Thursday and defended the abolition of the mask requirement in class.

“We have set up a huge security concept within the schools. Nowhere is there so much testing, nowhere is there so much screening as in schools.”

Schopper: Unvaccinated people are responsible for “vermilion”

It is also a “real fairy tale” that schools are the drivers of the infections, Schopper continued. The state only got the “whole cinnabar” because too many unvaccinated people over the age of 18 stressed the intensive care units in Baden-Württemberg.

“No intensive care bed is occupied by a child. But we have an overload of the hospitals because the unvaccinated people weren’t at the doctor, damn ax.”

In the event of an alert, it is mandatory to wear a mask in class

The Minister of Education also pointed out that when the corona alert level occurred, masks had to be worn again in class. “And we will reach this alert level in the next few days, that is as certain as the amen in the church,” said Schopper.

According to the State Health Office (as of Wednesday, 4 p.m.), 348 corona patients occupy the intensive care beds in the country. The critical threshold is 390: If the number of intensive care patients with corona diseases is above this value for two working days in a row, the alert level comes into effect.

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A bar counter and a board with only 2G access.  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, Picture Alliance / SWR)

“Basic level”, “warning level” and “alert level” – what applies when in Baden-Württemberg? An overview of the current rules of the Corona Regulation.

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