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Buying face masks in the supermarket? That’s what Rewe, Lidl and Aldi say

In some states it is already mandatory to wear a mask when shopping. Image: ZB / Robert Michael


Buying masks in the supermarket? That’s what Rewe, Aldi and Lidl say

Masks are in greater demand than ever because of the corona crisis. According to experts, they can provide an important additional service in the fight against the further spread of the virus – as long as the hygiene and distance rules are also observed.

Ever more federal states are now wearing everyday masks, for example in public transport or when shopping.

But many Germans are still wondering where to buy a mask. So far, most supermarkets do not offer any. But that could change soon. We asked German supermarket chains what their plans regarding masks look like.

Aldi Süd plans to offer masks soon

The supply situation for face masks is still scarce, a spokeswoman for Aldi Süd told watson. First of all, they want to make textile nose and mouth masks available to employees, especially the branch staff. That has top priority.

But: “We would also like to offer our customers soon disposable or textile masks”, the spokeswoman continued. Aldi Süd asks for your understanding that it is not yet possible to provide information on the price and specific sales dates.

Kaufland is working on it “with high pressure”

Kaufland also wants its customers soon offer masks can. “We are currently working flat out to meet consumers’ current needs for protective masks in a timely manner,” a company spokeswoman told watson. To do this, check various sources of supply together with the suppliers. “As soon as we can offer masks of the appropriate quality and quantity, they will be available immediately in our branches.” No exact date is yet given.

Edeka hopes to sell masks from May

“As of today, we are able to provide sufficient protective masks for our colleagues in the markets,” Edeka told watson. But it shouldn’t stop there. “We hope to be able to offer customers personal protection masks in our stores by the beginning of May.”

Rewe is still checking

At the Rewe Group, which includes Rewe and Penny, at least one thinks about adding everyday masks to the range. “We equip First of all, our employees at short notice with mouth-nose protection or facial visors a spokeswoman told watson. “It is currently unclear whether and how we can offer our customers appropriate products still under examination. “

Aldi Nord is also checking

At Aldi Nord it is assumed that the use of face masks or everyday masks will become the new normal everywhere there in the coming months will count where many people meet, a company spokeswoman told watson. “We therefore take the Federal Government’s recommendation for wearing face masks very seriously.”

In the regions in which a mouth protection obligation was enacted, this was implemented as quickly as possible by equipping the employees with the required protective materials. And customers are also thought of: “We are currently examining the procurement of larger quantities of protective masks or everyday masks to equip our employees or for sale. “

Lidl stays covered

Lidl, on the other hand, does not comment specifically on his plans regarding masks. “We are currently selling no mouth-nose masks“A spokeswoman told watson. She leaves open whether and if so, when that changes.



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