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“Buy American”: Quebec will put pressure on New York State

A text by Mathieu Gohier

Quebec has absolutely no interest in seeing a “Buy American” bill passed by its neighbor. In the United States, New York’s companies export the most to New York State. “The Empire State” is Quebec’s second largest trading partner, among the 50 states, with trade valued at $ 8 billion in 2014, according to the Ministry of the Economy.

Interviewed on the show Behind the scenes of power, Minister Dominique Anglade confirms that Quebec is trying to counter Governor Cuomo’s protectionist desire. If contacts have taken place with his administration, Quebec’s best allies would be found especially among business people in New York, estimates the Minister of the Economy.

“It’s important to build relationships with allies so that the people of New York – the business people – say how bad it is for them to have this ‘Buy’ either. American Act “because they have interests in Canada and they want them to be maintained,” says Ms. Anglade.

A message that resonates across the border. In a press briefing on Friday, at the end of an afternoon of discussions between the government of Quebec, the Montreal Chamber of Commerce and union representatives, Maryscott Greenwood, senior advisor to the Canadian American Business Council, stressed the importance of free trade with Canada for American entrepreneurs.

“It’s the biggest economic relationship in the history of the world. Millions of American jobs depend on it, ”she explains.

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Maryscott Greenwood surrounded by ministers Dominique Anglade and Christine Saint-Pierre as well as the premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard.

Photo: Radio-Canada

In Quebec to stand out

If free trade is crucial for the Quebec economy, we must not lose sight of the importance for Quebec products and services to stand out, emphasizes Dominique Anglade. The Minister of the Economy insists that local entrepreneurs must at all costs remain at the cutting edge of technology and constantly innovate.

“We must continually renew ourselves and focus on key sectors, for example in artificial intelligence. We have an extraordinary strike force in this area, so we will want to strengthen this sector. There are several other sectors where we have a head start, ”she says.

In May, the Quebec government will unveil a new research and innovation strategy included in the next budget, which will be tabled on March 28.

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